posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 03:49 AM
If my history is correct:
There was a cartoonist in the 1800's who made a political cartoon making fun of both parties. In it, he used a donkey for the Democrats, and an
elephant for the Republicans. I don't know the man's name, or why he chose those two animals, but the political cartoon was so popular that the two
parties just chose those animals as their mascots anyway, and made up their own explanations for why they used their animal, and why the other used
the other animal... someone help me fill in the gaps here, I can't remember any more than that!
Republican point-of-view:
elephant = powerful, but kind, wise
donkey = dirty loud smelly jackass
Democrat point-of-view:
donkey = hardworking, gets little credit for its efforts
elephant = fat (rich), territorial, tramples on others
Ironically, back in those days, the Democrats were the philosophical conservatives (fought slavery, and once it was gone, publicly endorsed Jim Crow
laws, etc.) and Republicans were the philosophical liberals (abolitionists, fought for womens' right to vote, etc.)
...Somewhere in the 1960's both parties just literally up and switched philosophies. Someone exlpain to me how that happened!?!