posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:50 PM
This is a spin off thread from a replay I made to another thread earlier tonight, but I wanted to turn it into a full blown discussion. My First
thread Btw..
What does it take for a civilization to make it to a level advanced enough to travel the stars? Lets take a look and see.
Based on our knowledge of evolution the fight for survival starts from the beginning. As the environment that a species has evolved from changes, that
species (or individuals from that species) must change through genetic (figure 1) and/or physical (figure 2) adaptation(s) in order to survive and
pass on their genes.
Figure 1. Examples of different sized finch beaks, which are used to gather different types of foods.
Figure 2. A chimp uses a stone as a tool.
As a species evolves to the level of language and civilization does this process of natural selection stop? No, programed in their brains, the species
still carries a natural instinct for competition and survival. Only at this leveling they are more likely to be able to adapt to environmental changes
due to their use of tools and knowledge. However, much like their earlier ancestors they fight with each other over resources, e.g., water, food,
land, etc. in order to survive and pass their genes on (figure 3).
Figure 3. Revolutionary solders fighting for land, 'freedom' and resources.
Eventually, if this species (being the dominant species on the planet) has not been wiped out due to a mass catastrophic event, it will discover how
to exploit nature, i.e., discover how to use fire, electricity, nuclear fusion, etc. to its own benefit. Which brings me to our discussion...
Naturally, a species learns to exploit fire thousands of years before they discover electricity. Think of fire as level 1 on the pyramid of resources,
the base. Next comes electricity, then fusion. You cannot discover fusion without fire and electricity. When thinking of electricity the first
individual that comes to my mind is Nicola Tesla, the man who mastered it (or was well on his way if it hadn't been for continuous sabotage of his
work). Now if you are unfamiliar with this person I highly suggest that you research him and his work, though being here on ATS I'm sure most, if not
all of you, are familiar. Well, what you may not know is that Tesla (whether he knew it or not, I do not know) was in direct competition with Einstein
over who would be responsible for guiding the direction of human intellect. Tesla for electricity, and Einstein for atomic fusion. Tesla believed that
electricity was the future, and through further investigations it would lead humans to prosper and do incredible things, e.g., time travel,
teleportation, etc.. Tesla also believed that research at the atomic level would bring only problems and destruction.
What if this choice is a critical step in the natural selection process? Surely, Natural selection does not stop once a species develops language and
civilization and masters fire. Personally, I believe natural selection will continue on into space even for a spacefaring civilization, at one level
or another. Discovering both at relatively the same time (electricity slightly before), and having to make a choice on which, electricity or fusion,
would be the focus of funding and research has led me to believe that this is a critical step, which decides whether a species will survive or become
extinct. As we remember, the species still has a natural instinct for survival and competition. Given the choice of fusion over electricity, the
species has made it 10x harder to continue on with the game of survival. Look at all of the destruction this choice has lead us to. Now we are at a
point where we can make it (atomic fusion), but we cannot control it. What if we would have listened to Tesla? Perhaps we could have found an answer
to our current radiation problem. Perhaps we would be worse off (although I seriously doubt it)? Either-way, I'm sure if we can make it through these
current problems and learn to control radiation, we will only encounter more crossroads of nature in our future. Ultimately, that will either lead us
to "oz' or lead us to our demise.
I truly, believe that we humans carelessly dove too deeply into atomic fusion, without mastering what came before it (electricity). Believe it or not,
Tesla was experimenting with the wireless transmission of power, something that is still in its infancy today. After much thought, I began to
wonder....What if this is another natural selection curve-ball of nature's to keep a species from continuing on and reaching the leveling of space
exploration because of a wrong choice, which proves it unworthy?
What are your thoughts on this?