posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 03:55 PM
Here's my GOOD cop story, and I think it's a strong contender for "Coolest Cop Story Ever".
Once, I was driving with my girlfriend on the freeway here in Vegas, and the registration on my car was expired. I knew it was expired, and fully
intended to renew it as soon as I had the money for it, but I had made the (stupid) decision to go ahead and drive the car anyway, knowing that I also
had a couple of traffic tickets that were not yet paid off. Anyway, I was just a few exits away from my exit, and I noticed a black and white coming
up behind me. I stayed calm and changed to the next lane. The cop stayed in the adjacent lane for a second, still a few car lengths behind me, and
then moved into my lane. I started to panic a little, and changed back into the far right lane (which I had just been in prior to noticing the cop).
He followed suit, and promptly put his lights on. I pulled over, thinking that there was no way I was going to talk my way out of this one, put my
hazards on, and turned the car off.
The cop wasn't rude at all, which was refreshing. I was very honest about everything, and he took my license and the most recent copy of my
registration back to his car to check them out. About this time, a highway patrol car had pulled up behind the black and white, which freaked me out a
little bit. The highway patrolman (HP) spoke with the metro officer (MO) for a minute, and they both came back to my car to question me. They asked
for my girlfriend's license (which was clean), and then asked me to step out of the car. The HP stayed with my girlfriend, and the MO told me that he
had to take me in on account of my unpaid tickets and the offense I had just committed. He said something along the lines of, "I know it's lame, but
I have to take you in, because you have to get those tickets taken care of...I don't want to take you in, but I have to..."
That last sentence is important, so keep that in mind. The MO cuffed me and put me in the backseat of his squad car. By this point, the HP had run my
girlfriend's license and saw that it came back clean, and he came to speak with the MO for a second. They exchanged a few words, the MO told the HP
that he could take it from here, and the HP got back into his car and took off. The MO went to my girlfriend, who was still waiting in my car, and
told her to take the car and get off on the next exit, find the closest parking lot, and leave the car there (as it was unregistered and therefore not
fit to drive). She said she could find somebody to pick her up and give her a ride home, and the MO told her where I would be headed (county jail). My
girlfriend left, and the MO followed her to the next exit to make sure she did what he instructed her. She did, and the MO started towards county
Again, this cop was being cool. He wasn't rude at all, he was rather understanding, and didn't make me feel threatened any more than I should have
felt (with the knowledge that I was going to jail). He said, "Man, I was just about to go to lunch before I pulled you over". I laughed a little and
apologized, and said, "Hey, if you still want to eat, you fly, I'll buy". He laughed, and it got quiet for a minute. Then, he says, "You know
what...this is stupid. What's your girlfriend's cell number?"
I froze for a second, thinking, 'What the # is going on?'. I gave him the number, and he called my girlfriend: "Hi, this is Officer Friendly, are
you still over at that parking lot? Ok, good, stay right there, I'll be there in a minute".
He hung up, and said, "Dude, I'm being serious, get those tickets taken care of. I know they're expensive, but if you get yourself on a payment
plan, it can be much easier to pay them off that way". I still was having a hard time trying to process what was about to happen, so I just said,
"Ok, I will". He continued, "I mean, I was literally headed for that Chili's that your girlfriend is at right now when I pulled you over, and
you've been more than cooperative and cool about this, and I'm super hungry, so we're just gonna forget this happened". Now, I'm thinking, 'NO
####### WAY'. He pulls into the Chili's parking lot where my girlfriend is waiting for us, and he lets me out of the car and takes the cuffs off. He
says, "If that HP would have got to you first, he would have taken you straight to jail, because they're not allowed to use discretion in cases like
this. Metro officers are allowed to use discretion, and that whole time, I was just thinking about how bad I was craving Chili's, man. It's a good
thing I was able to get him out of there so easily, otherwise, you'd be getting booked right now".
In retrospect, when the MO said, "I don't want to take you in, but I have to...", it's clear that what he really meant was, "I want some
Chili's, and I'm seriously considering letting you go so that I can get me some of that, but I have to get this HP out of here before I can make
that decision".
I thanked the MO, and told him I would take care of my tickets asap (which I did). He jokingly invited us in to Chili's, but we declined, because the
ride that my girlfriend had called for was almost there. I thanked him again, and we parted ways.
My girlfriend and I still can't believe that this happened to me, and this was almost a year ago.