posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:43 AM
I recently had a dream with a lot of things in it, but the important end part of the dream was a large water flow and following that was a pair of
feet in moccasins made by clouds which turned into three tornadoes. The twisters tore through the area I was in and I was fortunate enough to survive.
A couple days later we had massive storms across the states and in the midwest where I live. I believe it was a record 142 tornadoes in 3 days.
....there is something to it I think... I"m not sure what, there was a lot of other imagery and symbols in it which I've yet to figure out.
But I've also had massive destruction/apocalypse dreams which I don't feel are the future but merely a worst case scenario indication. A warning,
"get it together people, or this may be the result"