posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 05:44 PM
I have been poking around the forums for some time and finally decided to join.A little about me: My real name is my screen name (Jay Flores), I'm in
my late 30's,I am a former Recon Marine and I live in Orland,Florida. I have tried to ignore the obvious for most of my life, but a few years ago
(9/11/2001) I couldn't swallow the crap the government is feeding us anymore.I believe in the Constitution of the United States being upheld, and I
am a 2nd amendment activist.I know what many of you may be thinking. Why am I posting such identifying Info on a site such as this? I simply do not
fear what the powers that be think they can do to me.I am a law abiding citizen and my posts and opinions are protected by the Constitution.I WILL NOT
BE INTIMIDATED! So, hello everyone...