The reason why Virgin Mary is prominent is because she represents the Garden of Eden, which is really the Solar System, or the basic inner states of
consciousness of all humans, that has been corrupted because of the Fall of Man. Virgin Mary represents this Garden of Eden before the Fall of man,
and Mary Magdalene represents the Garden of Eden after the fall of Man. . . . And the human seeking the return to perfection from this fall. The
whole mystical story of Jesus, the twelve disciples, and the two Holy Mary’s is an allegorical reference to this.
In the beginning, the Garden of Eden because of the Fall of Man, became what I call an
ELLIPSE. An Ellipse is an imperfect circle. Originally
the Garden of Eden was a Perfect Circle, or a world of felicity, happiness, bliss and perfection.
So we have the basic metaphysical dichotomy that sprung forth from the Fall of Man:
Ellipse-Imperfect Circle and the Garden of Eden-Perfect Circle.
Therefore the Ellipse is from the Garden of Eden [Perfect Circle] that has transformed, inside our souls over time, into the Ellipse [Imperfect
In the beginning as the Quran and Torah relate, in the
ELLIPSE, humans abided in the Garden of Eden in PERFECT HAPPINESS. This happiness was
fueled by the reality that the Garden of Eden—human’s inner state—was a perfect smooth running aspect of the soul machine . . . . An inner
system of finely tuned and balanced energy. The term Garden of Eden is only a metaphor for this inner condition.
Literally speaking this Garden was an inner paradise where humans could inwardly travel to an infinite number of dimensional states of consciousness
through what is known now as Stargates. These states were characterized by incredible bliss.
The basic content of this Garden had 22 dimensions or as the scriptures call them—trees.
One of those trees was what the scriptures’ calls the forbidden tree or dimension.
What was this tree?
The forbidden tree was the tree of creation. This treatise is not a dissertation on this aspect of the story so we won’t dwell on what is the tree
of creation at this time.
When Adam fell into this forbidden tree this began the fall of man, or the corruption of this inner Garden of Eden. This Garden of Eden then went from
22 pure working elements to 13 corrupted non-working elements. Humans at that point no longer had access to the smooth running paradise of the Garden.
He was inwardly corrupted.
Over time the Divine intelligence revealed knowledge to get back to the inner state of perfection—Garden of Eden—but humans always corrupted this
knowledge and turned it into religion.
In the mystical Lore of history Mary the Virgin is representative of the Garden of Eden, as mentioned above. Jesus her son, is representative of the
perfect state of consciousness that springs forth from the Garden of Eden, that is when it is in its original state of purity andperfection, that’s
why Jesus is stated to be of a virgin birth.
The story of Jesus most of us know about is a allegory of him or any human going through the trials and tribulations of returning to the inner Garden
of Eden— thereby re-perfecting our souls—by struggling with the Ellipse—corrupted Garden of Eden—and resurrecting our souls to perfection.
The first person Jesus saw, according to one Gospel, after his resurrection was the Mary Magdalene, this is because that represents Jesus perfecting
his inner Mary, or Garden of Eden, back to the Virgin Mary. Recall Mary Magdalene is representative of the path of return to God or perfection.