reply to post by paraphi
I don't doubt this at all, in fact I am surprised its been kept so quiet and its well due for exposure.
I don't know a great deal from the Masonic side, but I expect a lot more will pop up on the net, but I do know the following:
1916 GB was loosing WW1 and a group of Zionists from America came to the British War Cabinet and offered to get the Americans to come into the war if
the British gave them Palestine. The Americans came in.
Under the Balfour Declaration Britain eventually handed over Palestine to the Jews/zionists-
1919 at the Paris Peace Conference the Germans, whom had in the early 1900s taken in large amounts of Jews, who had flourished there and risen to high
places, found out they had been sold out by them. To keep it short, after the war a meeting took place in Amesterdam in 1933 where Germany was
given an ultimatum by the Zionists, to fire Hitler and reinstate them to their previous positions of power+ hand over the Jewish former states. The
ratios of peoples in Germany was 80-90 million Germans controlled by 40,000 Zionists such was their power there. Germany said no. So the Zionists
instigated a world block against all German exports,the profit from which Germany used to buy food for her people I expect you know the rest. What
you probably may not know is the Guardian article below. . shows that it was the Jews who declared war on Germany in, I think 1933. There are numerous quotes about
what happened how they went about it
"For months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish Community, in all our syndicates and by each Jew all over the world. There is
reason to believe that our part in this struggle has general value. We will trigger a spiritual and material war of all the world against Germany's
ambitions to become once again a great nation to recover lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish interests demand the complete destruction of
Germany collectively and individually, the German Nation is a threat to us Jews. Vladfinur Jabotinsky (founder of the Jewish terrorist group Irgun
Zvai Leumi, in Mascha Rjetsch, January 1934 he was also quoted in Histoire de l'armee Allemande by Jacques Benoist Mechin. Vol 1v p 303,
"We want to bring about a deep hatred for the Germans, for German soldiers, sailors and airmen. We will hate until we win". that was said by Lord
beaverbrook quoted in Miemals by Heinrick Goitsch.
Obviously some form of Masonic programme of sick cooperation must have been operating here but I find it odd because my family were all Masons,
Grandfather a Master Mason in the local Lodge I remember hearing once that catholics and Jews chose not to join lodges.
The only thing one can hope is that everything possible will be done to expose any dirty attempts to risk WW3, with the weapons we have today men like
the Zionists and today's Pikes and his ilk will only end up destroying the world; unless its being fought at the moment by the financial destruction
of every country. Kennedy paid with his life when it appears he refused to cooperate with these groups and he named the areas of commerce and
industry where they controll, which affect every one of us even today.
From Theo channel 200 "They are watching us, watching them watching us".