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Popular cop in Alaska Illegal immigrant

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by lifeissacred

ya know i agree.. to a point!!! my rebuttle is everyone doesnt have the same agenda... if they did, then we as a human race would be at peace... FYI we are not... its not new news.. dating back to ummm before the allegded jesus...

anyways he broke the law... a few laws in fact... who cares if hes done good... he's illegal!!! the people of the USA have problems respecting legal law enforcement officials.. he lucky he isnt shot yet!!! any illegal should and must and needs to be deported immediately...

and if you let humans 'roam" the planet considering all the religions, racists. and so on, how do you think that contact between people will end up?....

i already know... dont tell me...

ill help you change the world if you want

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by rebeldog
reply to post by Rockpuck

you have to be kidding!!???

a cop willfully committing fraud and you say "let him stay"

how unbelievably LOST THIS country is..

A police officer knowingly breaking numerous laws, lying on govt documents, swearing while lying, etc.. and you say let him stay!!

what kind of integrity is that REGARDLESS OF BELIEFS ON IMMIGRATION...

how does anyone know what LIES that cop would tell under oath. HE HAS DISGRACED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS EVERYWHERE

and if he is allowed to keep his job, THEN HOW CAN ANYONE BE ARRESTED FOR FRAUD???

Well said! Just learned that we have illegal nurses in our hospitals. They have infiltrated many areas of the workforce. This is unacceptable and has to stop.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I support maximum individual freedoms for all people. You don't need borders or a stasi like enforcement of immigration laws to keep your personal identity, culture or religion. The concept of rigorous immigration control and the prison like nature of the modern nation-state IS population control. Stifling the freedoms of others is completely at odds with the notion of individual liberty. Just because a person happens to be born on one side of an imaginary line you'll support their right to work and call them brother but everyone else can go to hell and is immediately criminalised? You'll happily see anyone not on one side of an artificial border rounded up like animals and forcibly removed from 'your' country? That's the sort of thinking which is holding humanity back.

My views are that the planet belongs to no one, we should all be free to roam wherever we like, I support the individual rights of EVERY human being, so that's why I say no borders, freedom of movement for all people. Liberty should not be limited to a certain group of people, excluding everyone else.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by snowman9364

People are conditioned from birth into thinking everyone else is differnet and no one is alike by the modern 'order' of society. Of course it is only wishful thinking and will never happen because people flat out refuse to recognise their common humanity.

Complete individual liberty would result in maximum cooperation between peoples, no false flags to squabble over. Just like the constitutionalists in America except not limited to one chunk of the globe, total freedom is what will propel humanity into the future, not just some golden prison.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by lifeissacred

If Progressives had it their way, borders would be erradicated.. so would individual thought, races would be bred out to extingsion, population controls, matching blue jumpsuits as we walked our straight lines to the factories "for the greater good" and the sake of "equality" without religion, culture, or personal identity.

No thanks. I'll keep my borders.

No, see, that's what we're afraid of too. We think that's what you want to do. Surely we can't all be right. Maybe...hmm. You don't think maybe they just want us to keep squabbling so we stay distracted and never unite against the real enemy, do you?


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:32 AM


Let me count the ways this man broke the law:

1. He entered the country illegally.

2. He likely STOLE an identity.

3. He lied on his background check info which is PERJURY

There's more, but I think ya'll get the point.

He should be sent to jail for that many counts of fraud, using a false identity, perjury, and illegal entry.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by lifeissacred
My views are that the planet belongs to no one, we should all be free to roam wherever we like, I support the individual rights of EVERY human being, so that's why I say no borders, freedom of movement for all people. Liberty should not be limited to a certain group of people, excluding everyone else.

In a land of make beleive sure... However, since their are groups of people out there who wish to do this country harm just because, im ok with borders for now...

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 05:08 AM
Fockin deport all of them, thank you!

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