The mountain in the middle of the bottom pic is the one we climbed, to the end of the treeline. - we ran out of time as you could easily ridge walk
all the way to the snow...
The mountains look better in the winter all covered in snow, they look somewhat naked at the moment. Nice place to visit considering its only 2 hours
from home for me
Very beautiful! I live 10 minutes outside a major city and its nothing but traffic, crowds, pollution, etc. and cant wait to get away to a place like
this. I need a vacation!! Thanks for sharing your photos.
I would love to visit there. It's got everything anyone could possibly want from nature. camping, hiking, skiing/snowboarding, surfing. I cant wait
to get there someday either.
Netchicken you have given me the first place I want to visit when I start traveling overseas. It looks beautiful, and I can't wait to one day
witness it myself.