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UFOs Over Saskatoon Canada Last Night.

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 08:45 AM
Sorry, I tried to get video but my camera's battery was dead. I'm hoping someone else might have seen them and taken video or photos or can confirm what my wife and I saw.

It was about 1 am. My wife and I were watching TV, just about ready to go to bed. When I noticed in the window some red lights in the sky. At first I assumed they were airplanes but I noticed right away that the light they gave off wasn't quite right. I excitedly called my wife to the window to witness what I was seeing. We saw seven lights traveling in a southeastern trajectory. It became obvious right away that these were not typical aircraft because they would speed up and slow down and didn't really fly straight but kinda floated around very fast. The light they gave off was different than any aircraft I've ever seen. Kind of a purplish red colour. My wife grabbed the camera and we ran outside to get a better look. We discovered the batteries were dead and I spat a few four letter funnies over it. We should have been able to hear the engines if they were airplanes but there was nothing, complete silence.

The funny thing is, my wife, up until last night, didn't believe in UFOs. She actually thought I was a little wacko for being into the subject matter. It actually scared her a little and we both had trouble going to sleep after.

I'm hoping someone eles might have seen these lights last night. Couldn't have missed them if you were outside looking up.
edit on 23-4-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:39 AM
North Battleford here. Didn't see any lights last night, but you might try looking at some UFO reporting sights or report it yourself. Sometimes people won't say anything until they see that someone else saw it.

Keep yer stick on da hice and stay outta dem potholes byes.!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Darkmask
Sorry, I tried to get video but my camera's battery was dead. I'm hoping someone else might have seen them and taken video or photos or can confirm what my wife and I saw.

It was about 1 am. My wife and I were watching TV, just about ready to go to bed. When I noticed in the window some red lights in the sky. At first I assumed they were airplanes but I noticed right away that the light they gave off wasn't quite right. I excitedly called my wife to the window to witness what I was seeing. We saw seven lights traveling in a southeastern trajectory. It became obvious right away that these were not typical aircraft because they would speed up and slow down and didn't really fly straight but kinda floated around very fast. The light they gave off was different than any aircraft I've ever seen. Kind of a purplish red colour. My wife grabbed the camera and we ran outside to get a better look. We discovered the batteries were dead and I spat a few four letter funnies over it. We should have been able to hear the engines if they were airplanes but there was nothing, complete silence.

The funny thing is, my wife, up until last night, didn't believe in UFOs. She actually thought I was a little wacko for being into the subject matter. It actually scared her a little and we both had trouble going to sleep after.

I'm hoping someone eles might have seen these lights last night. Couldn't have missed them if you were outside looking up.
edit on 23-4-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

Well, you are not alone my friend, last night I saw what I think was pretty much the same thing but on the west coast of Canada only it was a single craft, not seven.

I was out on my deck about 1:30 trying to catch a glimpse of meteors from the shower when I noticed something flickering and moving. At first I assumed it was a plane but as I continued to watch I realized the same exact thing you did - the light wasn't quite right, it was very reddish purple and was more of a 'flash' or 'twinkle' all around the object, not just a typical aircraft light going on and off.

I watched it for about 30 seconds as it moved across the sky, it was not moving erratically, just smoothly gliding along but there was no sound. I thought about grabbing my camera but I could not convince myself that it was anything other than some kind of emergency craft that I had never seen before. I mean, why would an extra-terrestrial craft need pulsing lights, right?

Anyway, I now wish I had filmed it cause the more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that it was not a typical craft. I'm still on the fence though; as badly as I'd like to say I saw an alien craft I just can't be sure there's not some earthly explanation.

On a side note, I did get a great view of the ISS and couple of other satellites plus several cool meteors!!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Darkmask

My wife wasn't much interested in the subject until she saw a few UFOs/ships of her own, on her own over the past few years. She was the one who came home from work one night years ago excitedly telling me about an amazing UFO that displayed much of what you described in your experience (I'd never seen a UFO/ship of my own at the time). It was flashing/flickering, zipping erratically, shooting off into the night sky, etc. Another group of people in the car next to her saw the same thing while they were stopped at a light. She has since seen at least 2 more UFOs at different times since then, one of which I saw myself a month or so later (this was last year).

There's a video someone posted on ATS a while back which was shot in Texas. It showed several objects in the sky flickering and flashing and moving a bit strangely, all during the day, with other people around witnessing. It looked much like you described and is similar to the latest UFOs/ships that my wife and I have seen. I'll try to hunt it down again and link it.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Had no luck finding that video with multiple flashing flat black UFOs, but here's one showing pretty much the same thing but up closer. Something to wet your whistle. Very very similar to what my wife and I saw at 2 seperate times, except that the random flashing was much more intense... lightning intensity. I bring it up in your thread because the flashing and intensity of these lights associated with the real phenomenon is one of the real interesting qualities that differentiate them from other more ordinary objects. It's usually what grabs your attention in the first place.

Please forgive the pixilation of this video. I post this for others, as an example of what they sometimes look like when one sees them with their own eyes up fairly close.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:26 PM
They kinda looked like this, only the ones I saw were brighter, closer and flying in erratic formations.
edit on 23-4-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:51 PM

I realized the same exact thing you did - the light wasn't quite right, it was very reddish purple and was more of a 'flash' or 'twinkle' all around the object, not just a typical aircraft light going on and off.
reply to post by buskey

That's it exactly. They definatly had a sort of "twinkle" around them. It was so strange.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Darkmask

I realized the same exact thing you did - the light wasn't quite right, it was very reddish purple and was more of a 'flash' or 'twinkle' all around the object, not just a typical aircraft light going on and off.
reply to post by buskey

That's it exactly. They definatly had a sort of "twinkle" around them. It was so strange.

I've no doubt we saw the same thing. it's strange but I was not going to report it on ATS or anything but I was floored when I logged on this morning and read your post about the same exact UFO. What sucks is that I probably had enough time to run in and get my camcorder and get 20 or 30 seconds of video before it was gone. I just kept thinking that it had to be something 'known' due to the identifiable pattern of twinkling lights but it was completely quiet and it was low enough that if it had a modern engine, I would have heard it.

Damn, I've always wanted to see an ET craft but every time I see something unidentifiable I always eventually find something about it that leads me to believe it's not of ET origin. This time was so close to making me swear it was ET, if only it had moved about erratically like the ones you saw, I would be on here now swearing I had a close encounter!

Thanks again for the thread!
edit on 23-4-2011 by buskey because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Darkmask
The funny thing is, my wife, up until last night, didn't believe in UFOs. She actually thought I was a little wacko for being into the subject matter.

Hi Darkmask, very interesting account and unfortunately that's an all too common sentiment when it comes to the UFO subject - it doesn't help that the problem is also compounded by the corporate media.

I was interested to see that the sighting took place over Sasakatoon - it seems Saskatchewan has quite a rich history of UFO sightings and some of the reports date way back to the 1800's.

Saskatchewan ~ Canada's UFO Hotspot


posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 08:11 PM
I saw something last night, but I'm 30min drive outside osoyoos BC. It was a red'ish or godl'ish bright dot like a star going across the sky. It was moving very slowly from left to right and after about 1-2 min it sped up drastically for 2 seconds then dissapeared

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:25 AM
These are pretty much exactly what I saw.The color and intensity are spot on.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Darkmask

The funny thing is, my wife, up until last night, didn't believe in UFOs. She actually thought I was a little wacko for being into the subject matter.

Haha ... you and I have something in common.

My wife was like that at first .... but she has seen some with me.. so now she just lets me do my thing and is actually intrigued sometimes when I tell her little facts about UFOs and stuff.

Thanks for sharing your experience!

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