It seams there are now very real fears of a Megathrust Earthquake over Magnitude 9 on the Cascadia fault line.
The north-west coast of the U.S. could be devastated by a huge movement of undersea plates known as a ‘megathrust’ earthquake, scientists say.
A review of the dangers posed by the Juan de Fuca plate released in the wake of the Japanese quake has raised fears that the Pacific seaboard could be
similarly ravaged.
The horrifying possibilities have been brought to light by data researched by the Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory at Oregon State
And the results are shown in a documentary, Megaquake: The Hour That Shook Japan, which is set to go out on the Discovery Channel in the UK this
S&F, tbh we all know American faults are all overdue but this just confirms it further especially with the new major quake activity in Japan and
around the Pacific