posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:22 AM
I, too, witnessed chemtrail patterning Friday night, around 8pm PHX time. It was clearly two jets flying back and forth, looked like a couple farmers
rowing up the sky. It made me a little sad, little sick(not ill, just the upset kind of sick), and a whole lotta mad. I was busy with other things,
but I stopped to observe for a few moments, back and forth they went. I would have taken pictures but I work in a restricted area and no cameras are
allowed and I don't fancy having my phone taken from me for using it's camera.
Since I'm posting anyway, did anyone in the Chandler/Mesa area notice the tight knit waffle pattern in the western sky Saturday morning. It was
directly west, about the same distance from the north as from the south. I saw it first around 6am. I went in to the grocery store for 5 or so
minutes and it was beginning to disperse slightly when I returned to my car.