posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Mr Headshot
Oh yes. Individualism exists as well as collectivism. My point earlier was about so many who are not much more than part of the collective, however it
manifests itself, but who think themselves individuals from having grown up with this false sense of self stamped on them by the collective.
I see as you appear to see, that individualism is a recent development in humans. That we were collective for most of our history. As I began to take
this understanding, I saw that the development of the individual was an progressive development, and evolutionary development. I saw this as good. I
still do.
And though we may consider that the individual "took off" with the printing press, we also see that there are still tribes which being much
uneffected by the modern world which are still of collective consciouness. Even in our modern cultures the degree of individualism and collectivism
These women were acting tribally. Though I think that they thought they were acting individually.
And yes, I think the point you brought in the next post is also correct.
For me the importance of the entire question is the balance between the individual and the collective. To me it seems that an individual cannot exist
without the influences of the collective. It is how the individual regulates and organizes within himself those influences that is important.
I'm ready to toss this around for a while, but I gotta head out now.