posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 02:37 PM
What you should know - just in case they didn't tell you, this is onion layer #7.
COG has been working on this for 50+ years. The plan was completed in all 48 Sovereign States.
You know the good side, here is the dark side of what is called the supply chain (aka Eisenhower's Interstates).
the goals were to not allow a single US City in America to be considered self sustaining. (they used US Dollars strategically) everything you can name
is on the supply chain - they control the price of fuel. it will be close to $10 a gallon unleaded - by 2013. < Insert your county > - edible food
production is almost non-existent. we will have no other choice but to rely on what we have in our warehouses. so, when the crap goes down - "Protect
Those Warehouses and impound those goods and stores". COG operations/situations are ABOVE Top Secret classified - I am providing this scenario for
your gray to consider.
I stumbled across a old magazine from the 50's and read what they thought and then I thought and ^^^^ thats what came out...
edit on 22-4-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: (no reason given)