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Man Dies From Police Taser

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posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

It's because people purposefully target us that we need to be more cautious.

Trust me, you put your hands in your pockets and refuse to take em out when I order you to, you're going down. I'm going to go home every night after work, there have been to many of us who haven't because of lack of due diligence.


posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 02:26 PM
P.S. Since all of you have such great opinions and suggestions about a job you will never understand, how about you all join your local force and make a change instead of doing nothing but criticizing...

Oh yeah! I forgot, most of you guys are criminals and can't get the job, the others are just too scared... Sorry!

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Magnum007
Oh yeah! I forgot, most of you guys are criminals and can't get the job, the others are just too scared... Sorry!

And the others have too high of an IQ.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Magnum007

I was in line to be a cop once. Have some cop family and friends.

I saw what it did to the people ahead of me and decided I didnt want to be a mindless drone trained to be stupid. Their personalities changed almost overnight when attending their respective academies.

Then I got even older and saw the massive corrupt failure this entire law, revenge, punishment nonsense is and came to the conclusion that it has no place in society.

You chose your job for your reason. I chose to avoid that job for my reasons.

One incorrect warrant served is one too many. One not-guilty man in jail is one too many. One criminal cop is one too many. All combined with a revenge based penal system that makes petty criminals into killers and uses a one-size fits all approach without context or consideration and the outrageous number of victimless non-crimes and you have the most monumental failure approach to handling offenders and victims in the whole of human history.

There is absolutely no justice in this system. At best its a vehicle for petty revenge. No rehabilitation. No education. No behavior modification. Just dungeons and dungeon masters accomplishing nothing but the infliction of pain and despair.

I hope you're really proud of the work you do. Maybe people really are singling you out as a target. Ever ask yourself why? I'm sure the answer is always because you're just so righteous and awesome and all the scum out there just cant appreciate it.

You cant tell me that picking up the same people for the same offenses over and over doesnt make you wonder what the hell you're doing. Visiting the same addresses for the same complaints over and over doesnt make you think.

Eh, why should you question it, right? As long as that union keeps you safe and all that OT keeps the boat running every summer it's all good. Kill a guy here, taze grandma there, blow away Rover in front of the kids, toss Reggie in the pokey for drug use thereby making it exponentially more difficult for him to ever get up and out of his situation and ensuring his repeat visitations to the cell with the drain in the floor, you can always just self medicate with your Coors Light in front the TV and make it all go away. Hey, maybe while you're cracking your 6th beer of the night Reggie will be getting the snot beat out of him by some klansman biker or sexually assaulted by his new roommate. I'm sure that'll help him stop using and get him on the right track.

Being in prison never set anyone straight. Having a record never helped anyone get an education, a job or a better life. It's as if the system wants repeat offenses. It wants them to keep coming back.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 02:56 PM
Police wonder why they are looked down upon. For the most part anyways. They are like wolves, always in a pack and you can't tell me that there are many instances where you need to put high voltage through a human being to subdue them?? I hope they are sued for millions of dollars, good luck to the family of the deceased.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Nutter

And the others have too high of an IQ.

Nah, they're super smart as we can plainly see:

city lowers police test scores 03/2011

Police reject candidate for being too intelligent

Judge rules police can bar high IQ scores

If the badge seems to represent anything at all it's that the wearer couldnt safely operate a carnival ride.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Updated story can be found here:

Some interesting quotes:

However, WFTV learned that there was nothing in Adam Johnson's past that explains his behavior before he died. Johnson turned 33 years old two days ago. He has no prior criminal history and the only thing on his record was some traffic tickets.

"He was kind of pacing around, grabbing his beard, grabbing his head and hair, and they were trying to get a hold of him. He was being disorderly,” said Sgt. Barb Jones, of the Orlando Police Department.

The article also makes it clear that he became unresponsive immediately after being Tased, and died despite CPR on the scene.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Magnum007
1. The taser didn't kill him, it sounds like excited delirium did. Yes excited delirium, read up on it.

2. You listen to a cop, you are ok. You resist, or try to hurt one, well you live with the consequences (or not, like in this case).

Here are some simple guidelines to keep you safe:

- Approached by an officer? Be polite and listen to what he says.
- Don't resist, don't fight, don't run, don't put your hands in your pocket.
- Feel like you've been falsely arrested or rudely dealt with? Get a lawyer. It's better to fight the cops in court and get money, then fight them in the streets and get injured or dead. Fight us in the streets and you give us a reason to defend ourselves, I can guarantee you will lose EVERY TIME.

Isn't that simple? No? Then you are a moron.

edit on 11/4/22 by Magnum007 because: (no reason given)

Is this the right way to act ?
Then again.....this must be a good cop, he didn`t use his Taser.
edit on 22-4-2011 by lambros56 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 07:30 PM
Most people complaining have probably never had to fight anyone..tasers reduce injuries..mainly to the suspect. From my own personal experience I have training from US Army SOF, PPCT, CDT and it is a lot better for someone resisting/fighting for the officer to disengage and use the taser if it is called for. many people can be subdued using physical control techniques, but there are lines and common sense too. All of these people complaining should avoid being in situations where you are on the opposite side of the law. Trust me, if you try and fight a well trained officer, you are going to hurt and be sore (at least) for quite a while and any injuries incurred will be YOUR fault, however, with a taser there is pain but no injuries from the taser directly and indirect injuries again will be YOUR fault. not try to physically resist or fight police...its kinda dumb..

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Magnum007

make a change?! what change? please, brag for us about all of the innocent lives you've saved, the babies you've pulled from burning car wrecks, the bank robbers you've caught in the act! not poking yourself in the boob with your badge pin doesn't count as "making a change." you have shiny boots. good job!

"you put your hands in your pockets and refuse to take em out when I order you to, you're going down."

wow, you are a real MAN, man. what a tough guy, you've got a belt full of weapons and a radio for back up, and you're afraid of what somebody may or may not have in their pocket? cops are bullies with badges, not heroes. put a monkey in an extreme situation and 5 times out of 10 he'll do something "heroic." you can't expect cops not to make mistakes, not to get angry and make bad choices, not to be human, yet we treat them like they are demigods! infallible! cops suck, just like the rest of us.

there is nothing that a cop could or would do to/for me that I cannot do for myself. please, all cops, if i'm in trouble, just leave me alone, I'll sort it out myself, or die trying.

Real Life Version of this Conversation:
Me: yeah, cops suck.
You: what'd you just say, scumbag?
Me: cops suck?
You: take it back!
Me: no.
You: [taser]
Me: aaaaaahhhh! don't taser me, bro!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by paearmor
All of these people complaining should avoid being in situations where you are on the opposite side of the law.

How do we avoid the opposite side of the law during a no-knock at the wrong address?

Maybe if the dumb sh*ts could get it right, we wouldn't be complaining? not try to physically resist or fight police...its kinda dumb..

Lesson. If a policeman f*cks with me. He better be ready for the consequenses when I get out.
edit on 23-4-2011 by Nutter because: (no reason given)

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