posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:22 PM
According to Florida Gas Transmission it was a type of 'blow out' to clear newly installed pipelines of debris and what not. The only reason I
posted this was because it sounded a lot like the previous video that was posted, especially when I woke up in the morning. My neighbors and other
friends in the area heard them doing this last month at 3 am in the morning also. So the times they do this vary I guess (look at the tbo article in
the beginning in the thread Julie posted).
If someone would make a thread where this counts to help out that'd be great. I'm not going to spam your forums to make a post count so I can share
this, so it'll be awhile before I get to. It looks like a solid answer and I only came to share it, so do what you will. ^_-