posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:45 PM
or what if they're spraying a specific bio active agent, an aerosolized form of moldevite that came from a specific meteorite from shambhala in Tibet
that Nicholas Roerich found, and the prime purpose of said substnce is to activate rapid human evolution through unlocking junk DNA gifting
supernatural abilities.... manifesting a true Second Coming.... a mass evolution of 'many messiahs' ...
naaaaaw... that would be ABSURD!
Always the absurd, son.. nobody ever suspects the absurd... nor would they believe it..we've fashioned in their mind what they believe to be fact
and fiction... their ability to comprehend or even ingest the slightest fantastic notion, outside their narrow concept of reality ... is severely
limited. this is their handicap. exploit it to the extreme. - Unknown