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Final Warning to the Great United States. Last Sign CONFIRMED. 1-day left.

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

I was an athiest for many years aswell I was where you are in beliefs. but the existance of that girl brooke greenburg validates the bible. she will like I said barring accidents and illness out live those mentioned in the bible.etc when I connect the dots. our current civilisations timeline started with events that happend when the mayan calander started 3114 BCE. all major and minor religions were birthed within that timezone ie hindu gods, greek gods stories in the bible mohammud etc......... now as the end date approaches one of there predictions was there gods would return. looking back in history when our ancestors had there alien encounters. these were world wide with each nation recording the events in there own way... that is why the stories in the bible mirror those in the koran and other texts I hate to say it but not everything can be debunked or dismissed

and I see nothing mystical here. just ancient mankind having an alien experience and recording it within there level of understanding at the time
I also understand how the ruling class used these alien encounters to control and manipulate the masses to further there own agendas and they still do to today however people are begining to wake up and at the very least question the truths they hold dear. I know I am...............................and if dec 21 2012 comes and goes and nothing happens I have no problem apologizing for my beliefs.......................but if I am right we are all in deep sh.................... you get the point

Phantomfire707 an apology was all I wanted in the future all predictors should do as you have done when proven wrong Thank you............................

edit on 23-4-2011 by gaurdian2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707

The problem is you're spreading fear... Most of the people of this world are scared enough as it is, do you really think they need to hear predictions of doom and gloom?

On the extremely rare occasion a prediction comes true, but theres so many of them out there, sooner or later someone is bound to hit the right date. The simple fact is even if you happen to predict something correctly it was mearly a guess. You're not a prophet, nor are any of the others that love to toss around predictions. This has clearly been proven by the fact that these predictions fail over and over again.

Do you really feel the need to be correct about your dreams/predictions? If you ever happen to get one right do you think that makes you a prophet or just someone who made a lucky guess?

Sorry im not here to bust your balls, im just trying to make it clear. Prophets don't exist, no one knows what the future holds, so instead of trying to predict the next big happening, why don't you try living your life. Roll with it man, stop being worried about what might happen. There are some people who take these things very seriously, mind you i have no idea why....

People are nieve and gullible, and you're preying on that issue regardless of your intentions.

Take care man

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707


Oh look your prediction has failed. Friday has passed, the West Coast is fine....and you and all you so called channelers are a bunch of frauds. Now go back to conning feeble minded spiritualists out of their money.

Oh and if you think a 6.9 in Solomon Islands proves your are retarded...that is no where near California...and is hardly significant.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:25 AM
the tornado that ripped through St. Louis and its airport was fairly catastrophic -
doe that substitute well enough for a mega-quake?

Despite the anxiety provoked by the nearly every day ATS dire prophecies, so few
come true.

If you follow the physics of time travel theory (yes, like me) then even if you were a
future time travel 'tourist', you wouldn't get prophecy right - all because of the multiverse
multiworld theory.

edit on 4/23/2011 by drphilxr because: spelling

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by aero56

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by maybee

I'm trying to remember. When the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and finally died was there an
earthquake on that Friday?

He didn't die on a Friday. It was a Wednesday. Three nights in the grave, and rose on the morning of the Jewish sabbith, Saturday.

It is highly unlikely anyone went by that name during the time period he supposedly lived. Now there was someone it could have been based off of, but he was hardly a big impact and did not really gather much attention...hardly the Son of God (in the sense that he was more special than us).

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707

I find it particularly strange that the ones that want to pounce the hardest are the ones that didn't believe in my theory in the first place. You think the greatest vocal reactions would have come from those most effected and not those unaffected at all by this thread. Is that common in the other prediction threads? I truly wonder about the psychology behind this phenomena if my observation is not inaccurate.

Again I quote someone else because I think it directly speaks to the phenomenon that you have noted:

Their inner knowing may recognize a higher order of "truth" but the conscious mind needs a lot more convincing and time before it can digest and begins to concede that there is such thing as "multicontextual coherence" - typically expressed as synchronicities - that underlies reality beyond the threshold of what is normally considered possible. It's one thing to notice bits and pieces of "meaningful coincidences" in life. It's harmless. Numerology? Cute. Symbolism? Entertaining. Maybe even inspiring. But when it gets to the point of super inter-contextual coherence - which is what I highlight and demonstrate on this website - it apparently gets a little discombobulating and even "scary" for many. The ordinary mind tries to find a way to squash it, so that order is restored, no need to radically revise one's view of the world. To accept it is to reject a fundamental bedrock of one's practical but incomplete understanding of reality

I believe that at the core, whether they would admit it or not, or are even aware of it, this is exactly why some people have been so vocal against your prediction. This is why people thought that you were saying that the stock market "causes" earthquakes." This is why some did not want to dig any deeper and instead fell back on ridicule.
edit on 23-4-2011 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:27 AM
The OP already admitted they were wrong. Haven't you all got anything better to do than to keep bashing them? Grow up and move on or get a freaking life. Geesh!!!

I think the OP is onto something but just got the wrong date. All you naysayers will see soon enough.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by drphilxr
the tornado that ripped through St. Louis and its airport were fairly catastrophic -
doe that substitute well enough for a mega-quake?

Despite the anxiety provoked by the nearly every day ATS dire prophecies, so few
come true.

If you follow the physics of time travel theory (yes, like me) then even if you were a
future time travel 'tourist', you wouldn't get prophecy right - all because of the multiverse
multiworld theory.

Lol....I guess its safe to say then that somewhere in another universe out of infinite universes there was a huge quake that messed up the west coast. (But lets be clear that in all those universes, I was never a homosexual, NEVER!!! *looks around nervously*)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by kennylee
The OP already admitted they were wrong. Haven't you all got anything better to do than to keep bashing them? Grow up and move on or get a freaking life. Geesh!!!

I think the OP is onto something but just got the wrong date. All you naysayers will see soon enough.

I predict there may be a significant catastrophic event sometime in the United States' future. You will see soon enough...or later.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707


In all due seriousness, you must not beat yourself up over something like this. I am a scientist, and we have trained minds of reason. Your "prediction" as you put it, did not follow any of the basic rules of logic. Things happen for a reason. There is a basic principle called "cause & effect". I did read your post, and my trained mind's safe guards did not allow any of it to process due to it not having a foundation of validity.

I am not going to tell you what to believe or how you should believe, that is not my place to do so. You were brought up in a home, and your rearing and raising usually dictates that area. I will tell you this, as you experience the world and learn more about how it operates in relation to its inhabitants you will become a more grounded and rounded man, and be more wise as to the ways of the world. You seem to be a good guy who was sincere in your intentions, but take this as a lesson or a rule of thumb as how to spend your "free time" for as you get older and more engaged in the world that "free time" starts to dwindle and is not so free.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:42 AM
I think that the OP did a great job noticing some patterns in economy or even the abnormalities. Due to all of the rude and hateful people that responded I actually woke up a little sad that nothing happened. I am still a believer that "something" is happening and perhaps this is just the warning signs that people need to motivate to get ready for the event.

It may be like "crying wolf" but if one person says the sky is falling no big deal but when a large number of people start to say it maybe someone will take a closer look. Don't be hard on yourself by reading your prediction I managed to stumble upon things that I think are out of place making me more aware so thank you

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:43 AM
i dont like using the word conspiracy but i have the vision of their perfect plan using geo magnetic warfare.

what they are doing with the chemtrailing is building a plasma barrier, they use haarp and the smart grid to create a plasma field within the google magnetic areas which replicates a microwave oven.

I mentioned this on other sites and the resons for it.

i completed an indepth study and put it on utube, i have had interest from a university and other alt media..
now i am not a video expert but these animals are dying for a reason and we need to help these also.

first video

second video

they are not that long 1st one is 7 minutes.
i have worked for some of these people and i know how evil they think.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by kennylee
The OP already admitted they were wrong. Haven't you all got anything better to do than to keep bashing them? Grow up and move on or get a freaking life. Geesh!!!

I think the OP is onto something but just got the wrong date. All you naysayers will see soon enough.

Yes, you are right! California will experience a severe earthquake sometime in the future, and it will be submerged in the Pacific ocean one day. Not because of what Brian has posted, there is a fault line that permeates and clefs California and this is and has been known for quite sometime by the World's scientific community.

How long will it be before it happens? I don't know, and neither does anyone else.Whether it is tomorrow or ten thousand years from now, it will happen but not because someone said it will.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:49 AM
Alright, Ill give it to Monday still. If anything happens in this period of time I will come here again and offer my sincere apologies for my doubts and lack of faith. But if nothing happens till Monday midnight, can I get at least an apologize too? because in that case I was the one right at doubting that something was going to happen...

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:50 AM
I've only been with ATS for a few weeks. The reason I originally went here was because of the strange jet noises and rumbling sounds being heard all around the world, including my own area in Idaho next to the Canadian border. That site was recently taken down on the home page list even though it had 58 pages and counting. Why? I think anybody would consider this a 'hot topic'; apparently ATS didn't. Instead we get forums about Lady Gaga's latest publicity stunt. Obviously ATS thought Lady Caca was more important than the mystery noises. I emailed ATS about above subject, but received no reply.

The Apple Iphone was just found to have the ability to record personal information which is readily accessable to the authorities. NBC news had this story two days ago, and the internet is full of sites regarding this topic. Why is this subject not considered a hot topic and not in the contents list on the home page? Actually it's listed, but I challenge anybody to find it. Obviously ATS buried it for a reason; IS APPLE AN ADVERTISER? Makes me wonder. Is this an example where the bottom line of finance is more important than the spirit of ATS? Or are the owners just "out of it"?

I also find the manners and mentality of a large number of people posting to be lacking. Personal insults seem to take precedent over real information sharing in a spirit of basic civility.



posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Grimalkin

No need for the dramatic exodus, just don't post anymore. I for one enjoy your posts so leaving is selfish IMO. Stay and make an effort to change what you d not like about ATS.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by BLKMJK

Ignore it, I (stupidly) responded to grimalkin in another thread where it was identical to this one..... apparently someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and now needs to be nursemaided back to health.

Like here.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:10 PM
ahahahhahahah nothing happened YOU ARE THE HOAX MY FRIEND

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by alphabetaone
reply to post by BLKMJK

Ignore it, I (stupidly) responded to grimalkin in another thread where it was identical to this one..... apparently someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and now needs to be nursemaided back to health.

Like here.

LOL! Don't I feel like an ass, I was unaware he has been plastering the site with this same post. Thanks for the heads up.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by kennylee
The OP already admitted they were wrong. Haven't you all got anything better to do than to keep bashing them? Grow up and move on or get a freaking life. Geesh!!!

I think the OP is onto something but just got the wrong date. All you naysayers will see soon enough.

Be careful what you wish for.

No one is onto anything, just gullible people (and I don't mean that in a nasty way) having "bad feelings", watching too many disaster movies, reading between the lines when there really isn't anything there to read and hanging around way too many doomsayers here on ATS. If anyone needs a life it is these people.

Go out and breath the fresh air and make the most of what time we have left on this planet.
I do as this site is so depressing with the constant predictions of doom.

Life is way too short to be spent in a self created mire of depression that so many want to wallow in.

edit on 23-4-2011 by The Ghost Who Walks because: (no reason given)

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