posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 02:45 AM
Reply to
post by elpistolero1
In the same way I doubt you can speak for others as you so boldly have done. Not in the way of the president of el salvador speaking for others but in
how firmly you try and bring the OP down. I mean, was it really necessary to call him an idiot? Likewise, I've read not too long ago that if you
cannot think of anything respectful to say - it is better to just leave the thread. Respectfully saying you disagree is perfectly fine and it goes
without saying you should probably try to watch the name calling. I'm really getting fed up with the disrespect on this website. Although it has been
getting better (at least I think), I still see it like in this case. Finally, was it MY business to say all of this? Not really. In fact, no...I am
not a mod or anything, but in the lack thereof I just thought you would like to have your rudeness pointed out to you. Sorry to the OP for being
completely off topic. Please, continue with this thread's discussion. Actually, I would like to point out that almost all of Obama's trips or
"vacations" have seemed a little odd, not sure why though. Possibly just an of 'making something out of nothing' as I sometimes do.
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