posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:39 PM
The control of others...
What those in power have been trying to suppress in us all along.
This is the "Final Frontier" where man finally becomes God and understands the predestined path of human evolution.
This is the time of The Falling Away, The Spiritual Revolution, The Calling Up or Rapture.
The time the Ancients predicted would amount to Great Change. A turning point in our evolutionary process.
These are the times of Great Upheavals and perilous Earth Changes. Where the World shifts into a New Dimension.
A new way of thinking for all of Human Kind.
What those in power have kept secret from you for so long is the Alchemical and Metaphysical way in which they perceive the World.
They see all life in much the same way "Neo" finally saw the Matrix after he was shot, killed and resurrected.
The reason I use this reference is because the nature of the film fits perfectly with how the World is perceived by those i speak of.
Imagine if you will the World before you, completely stripped to reveal only the mathematical fluctuations that exist as waves of energy behind
everything we do and everything we are.
Imagine you were able to tap into this World and given the necessary tools, you were given the potential of playing the pied piper in a system that
could be under your every whim.
Trust me when i tell you there are those that live on this earth with much higher realms of thinking than the vast majority.
They are called The Masters, The Elders, The Spiritual Council and the like and they existed in this world through such humans as Krishnamurthy,
Ghandi, Mother Theresa and many great spiritual teachers that have come and gone and exist with us even now.
These few were not led on the path of Greed, Evil and Destruction but instead accepted a reality where Love and Kindness existed in a peaceful world.
They are the true bringers of light, wisdom, knowledge, truth, justice and love.
They brought balance and semblance to a world that would otherwise be dark and evil.
The situation is that you have those of us that live in this world viewing it in green strands of the Matrix.
Able to subtly influence the energies and almost play them like notes in a symphony.
The very people that control us are viewing the world through the very same lens.
To make the matter clearer and hopefully make the penny drop, the coming New Age Messiah, be it the return of Christ, Maitreya the world teacher,
Quetzalcoatl or Antichrist will be one with this Matrix in very much the same way as these Masters are, with the exception of being the first fully
evolved being of this age.
What that means is that when the World Teacher or Messiah turns up, he will be identified by his ability to connect with this "hidden" World and
reveal it to us.
Once we see and once we believe, by finally letting go, we are converted into new age beings with the same abilities as those playing out the current
chess game.
We will be able to will things and make them happen before our very eyes. From pulling a smile from someone to manipulating energy so effectively that
you begin to play your own melodies.
This is how the Messiah will be recognised, by his ability to play the symphony he wishes without even trying. As nature intends and as we each awaken
and begin to see the world in the same way we slowly become one consciousness.
The New World Order or the New Dawn of the Ages...
And so the future awaits us hanging in the balance waiting to go one way or the other. As we connect either with the light or the darkness the
metaphysical and inter connected nature of the experience will become apparent. We will from that moment forward exist in a world where we see
everything we do in wave forms of energy , still living the same existence but now with the addition of not only seeing the world but now also feeling
it. Creating new realities with our connected spiritual and emotional energies. Willing the world to happen!!
It's a powerful notion if you think about it. The Messiah Trait exists within us all. Some have tapped into it, Kundalini, Meditation, Secret
rituals, Initiations, Enlightenment and so on is all part and parcel of the experience of being Awake or being given the All Seeing Eye!!
The Messiah will be distinguished by the way in which he manipulates the world and moulds it into something new.
By creating a world which first manifest through him and then throughout the world.
One day you will control the "Energy" around you in fact we all will. It's simply a matter of time now and the closer we get to the finish line the
more evident it will become.
When the Messiah comes, When Neo is finally realised.. The world will see itself in its raw and naked form.
Stripped of illusions... reality without the destructive distracters, currently stopping us from evolving and be born anew. The world that hypnotises
us now will be seen for what it is and the falling away will be completed.