posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:29 PM
The world has been split very recently due to the Obama "Birther" movement. Donald Trump has openly supported the idea, demanding the birth
certificate of our President, and now, more recently, Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be
President has come out with the new information that claims to prove that "Obama is not eligible to be president."
Meanwhile, Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachman have tried to calm down the Birther claims flying at conservatives from the far left. Bachman has said,
"Stop asking Republicans to vouch and verify for Barack Obama’s birth certificate. That‘s not my job to do or anyone else’s." She also said
that “I take the president at his word. If he says he was born there, he was born there,” but politely suggested that he provide more proof to
calm down the masses in the same breath.
Glenn Beck responded quite forcibly, yelling "Stop with the (darn) birth certificate!" at the camera on his TV show on FOX News. He also said "If
you’re going to lose your country– we’re going to lose it on a birth certificate You have a real opportunity to talk about American
exceptionalism … instead you’re going to waste time on the birth certificate?”
Many Birther/non-Birther threads have popped up here on ATS, and I am interested on your opinion. No big deal, or subject of a NWO/OWG coverup?
Please flag this up or flame it down freely! I cannot wait for your response!
Thank you,