posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:46 AM
ORIGINAL POST LINK...Hello to everyone who read my first post and added all of your
valuable information to my questions. Ya'll gave me alot of great ideas and advice that I am currently trying to use or plan on using in the near
future. Thank you guys so much...So far I have tried a few things. When I start to get freaked or feel the stare I try talking to it peacefully. Im
still too freaked out to get tough with at least for now. I have also tried another suggestion of the christain music while Im sleeping but I think
that just made things worse. I dont think whatever it is, is much of a fan. So hopefully soon I'll be getting to some of the other suggestions and
find one that works i my situation.
I figured I would at least update those interested on a few things that have happened since my original OP. First off a few nights ago I actually got
to sleep before Dana did for once. I was relieved thinking that I might get a full nights sleep but I was wrong. It was about 4:30 am when I was
awoken suddenly. I really dont know what caused me to awake the way I did because usually and for my entire life that when I do get to sleep I am a
very heavy sleeper and it usually takes alot to wake me up snd its inly started to be recently that I have been awaking like this. But this was wierd
how I awoke the way I did. When I awoke I once again recieved that strong feeling of someone being right next to me just staring a hole through me it
felt like. I immediately woke Dana up because this feeling was different. Like before it was just freaking me out but this felt much different. A much
different vibe than before...I was freaked and still too scared to speak out loud to it. Dana stayed awake so I could go to back to sleep but it still
was hard to do so with that feeling I get not going away. I still find it to be strange that she doesnt feel this, like I do and I wish she would so
she didnt think I was a crazy acting like a little girl...
Another thing that freaked me out was my sister recently had to go and stay a few days at the hospital because shes having a baby so she had me watch
her dog "Frankie". Hes usually a very well behaved quiet dog only ever barking or acting up when someone he doesnt know is around. So last night I had
him sleep wih me. I know I have been told that dogs can sense different things and I have seen it first hand now..So last night after going to sleep,
a few hours later then Frankie starts going crazy. Waking both Dana and myself up. And I mean bouncing off the walls crazy. He would stop near the
closet area and pause and then come back to me whimpering. He did this for about 10 min before he calmed down. Dana actually started to get freaked a
little too I think because she actually wanted the tv left on. Frankie didnt sleep much last night because I would wake up here and there and there he
was still sitting up looking around like he was keeping an eye on something. It was a wierd night...
I know that everyone provided their helpful posts and I fully intend to use the advice soon. It just seems that right now I dont know if I am ready to
actually do some of things that I was told to do. I dont wanna piss anyone or anything off. I dont know if I should ease into this more slowly or do
what some suggested and go right for it. I am still vey freaked and confused because like I said in the op, I am still just a recent believer in these
things since my experiances started and with every new experiance it seems to get harder to get my head around this whole matter....Like I said,I
aprreciate all the info and suggestions so far from all of you...Now hopefully I can get my stuff together and start going at this like I should be
already...If anyone is interested I'll post updates on here to keep you informed...
edit on 20-4-2011 by gdaub23 because: (no reason