I got lucky. My neighbors didn't get off so easy.
(Some big branches landed on their roof.)
edit on 20-4-2011 by Ventessa because: detail that's hard to
This was a rather intense storm and clusters of tornadoes north of St Louis, across Lichfield, IL and another cluster around Bowling Green, MO and
Girard, MO. Surprisingly, where I am at in Greenville, IL, it got scary and loud for a moment but appeared to be a lot weaker than NW of us. There are
plenty of videos on Youtube now of the tornadoes:
Large tornado in Lichfield crossing I-55. Filmed by spotters.
Another video of the Lichfield tornado.
Large tornado in Girard forming. Filmed by spotters.
Incredible video of the Girard tornado. Roof mounted camera(?)
edit on 20-4-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)