posted on May, 18 2003 @ 12:49 PM
Creating fire/ice balls is possible...somewhat. Though based on RPG attacks and such, rather than making a "ball" of fire or ice, it is actually
creating a ball of energy, and tweaking it to either heat or cold. It is much easier to do one or the other rather than both, as for the "ice ball"
(Cryokinesis), you must get your hands used to cold by keeping them in ice water, holding ice cubes, etc., and for "fire balls" (Pyrokinesis), you
must keep your hand warm/hot, running it through a fire, etc. Then you can project the heat/cold just as you can a regular energy ball to bring down a
person's temperature, or raise it, or do the same with room temperature. These techniques are sometimes used by New Age Healers and energy
therapists... I haven't given a great explanation to this at all, but this is the best I can explain....get on Google and look for more info on
Pyro/Pryo/Cryokinesis... you should be able to find some good stuff....