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Fire balls, Ice balls, Energy balls...

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posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 09:32 AM
How would I go about making these? Is it even possible to make such things? If anyone has any info on courses or how-to's please post. I would love the info. Even if you just tell me a subject to do a search on it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 10:32 AM
Yell "Kame-Hame-Ha" really loud and stretch out your hands in front of you. That should do the trick.


posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 10:47 AM
Why on earth would you want to "make" balls?

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 10:55 AM

There is a thread on energy balls not sure about fire or ice.

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 05:33 PM
xaos that was a good one, really. But anyway I was just interested in if these things are possible.

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 06:12 PM
The Kame-Hame-Ha Wave, can take a life time to master... unless of course you are a Sayain.

I believe if ANYONE could shoot fire balls, energy, ice, whatever from their body "magically" They'd basically be unstoppable because I can't do it. So what would be to stop them from dominating the world... Don't tell me someone wouldn't try, If I could just go shoot some fire balls from my hands on tv for a cool million dollars every now and then (which I am sure they'd pay me to do it) You'd see my ugly face plastered on everything from t-shirts to coffee mugs to my own brand of "Ice Ball Fresh" Toothpaste.

IF someone could teach how to do this, wouldnt they themselves be capable of this power?
IF they had this power why not put it to use?
and I mean not just to light candles

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 06:16 PM
Even if such an action were physically possible, what good would it do? What range, terminal effect, accuracy, rate of fire, and user effect would there be?

Better yet, if you life was really on the line, even if you could do this, would you bet your life on something like that, or a good heavy slug of jacketed lead???

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 06:16 PM
Go to this lovely web site --> PSI POG
go to aritcles and look for "Manipulation", and look for "how to create Psiball" or just look for that term "PSIBALLS" -Quetz.

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 08:45 PM
You just have to 'know'.

Quantum physics has found out that this world, this reality around us is nothing but an illusion, so I think things such as fireballs and iceballs could be possible.

Energy balls are possible I have made them, I have felt them and I sometimes use them to influence things..
There is an old topic about energy balls here.. Check it out...

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 08:53 PM

Energy balls are possible I have made them, I have felt them and I sometimes use them to influence things..

Perhaps you could film/photograph yourself doing this?

posted on Mar, 26 2003 @ 04:44 AM
They're invisible... I've got a better idea: You learn how to create them. It's all in the topic I mentioned...

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 12:49 PM
Creating fire/ice balls is possible...somewhat. Though based on RPG attacks and such, rather than making a "ball" of fire or ice, it is actually creating a ball of energy, and tweaking it to either heat or cold. It is much easier to do one or the other rather than both, as for the "ice ball" (Cryokinesis), you must get your hands used to cold by keeping them in ice water, holding ice cubes, etc., and for "fire balls" (Pyrokinesis), you must keep your hand warm/hot, running it through a fire, etc. Then you can project the heat/cold just as you can a regular energy ball to bring down a person's temperature, or raise it, or do the same with room temperature. These techniques are sometimes used by New Age Healers and energy therapists... I haven't given a great explanation to this at all, but this is the best I can explain....get on Google and look for more info on Pyro/Pryo/Cryokinesis... you should be able to find some good stuff....

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 05:45 PM
Make a psiball using and visualize whatever makes you feel warm/cold, and it should work.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 12:30 AM
This isn't Final Fantasy or anything.. jeez.. It's impossible to "throw" balls made of elements such as Fire and Ice.

Psi balls maybe... I've heard it can be done. But not fire and ice...

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 03:22 PM
Hahaha well the real question here is how much do you value your sanity?

psy energy can and is easy to use in "ball" from, however getting it to the point of anything more than a mild tingle or warmth is very very difficult.

To make one, immagine your hands are magnets, repeling from eachother, now bring them close together (but not touching) and do a motion like rolling a ball of dough between them. next start drawing the energies from your power centers and channeling the energy through your arms and into the palms of your hands. Don't try too hard, just be peaceful and let the energy flow where it will. Don't try to force the energy in a harsh way just will it to your hands and it will flow.

You should begin to feel a mild tingling or warmth in between your hands, congrats you have made a low level energy ball, now see what shapes you can coax it into.

As for ice and fire, well that would require use of parts of the mind that are rather unstable, and your grip on reality would suffer greatly, if you can even open and utilize these areas, which is unlikely in most people


posted on May, 29 2004 @ 01:37 PM
hmmm... im curious, what do you mean when you say it can "your grip on reality would suffer greatly" ?

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:36 AM

- Good Site if you're interested in learning such abilities.

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