posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:34 PM
Hey everybody this is my first post so bare with me...
I know there are a lot of people that complain how much they have to spend on taxes, and not only that but also where all that hard earned money goes.
Right now we all pay our taxes and other people then us get to choose where that money goes to, which doesn't make sense to me. Thats where my idea
comes into play.
What if paying our taxes were like giving our money to charity. When you give money to a charity it is completely your decision, you get to choose how
much you want to give and what organization or cause you would be giving your money to. So we would still be given a certain percentage that we would
have to pay as taxes but instead we get to choose where our money goes and what portion goes where. For example if you though less money should be
spent on military, you could choose to not give any of your tax money to that cause.
Now I know this will never happen, but I'm just interested in what anybody here thinks of the idea.
It would eliminate the complaining about where the money we all pay for taxes goes but then again we would have to trust them to put the money where
we say we want it. It would also require much more organization to do this.
So what do you think? Would it be better or worse than what he have already? Or do you even think it would work at all?