posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:58 AM
the banks, financial houses and other Primary Dealers have been using the soaring (balloon)*
stock market as a pure speculation venture....
the supposed 'rise' in the market value is nothing more than treading-water on apace with the deteoriating/devalued USD....
check out the VIX= volatility index....its signalling that the cadre of insider players are gaming the market an attempt to pad their
balance sheets.... courtesy of the FED and other kniving agencies.
the big bankers and a few fund managers are playing real close to the edge, the precipice...
its only known to these insiders whether the QE3 will go forth.. or that Fed interest rates will rise instead...
only thes insiders know...we can only speculate on why they are behaving the way they are in the market place with equities and commodities...
we on the outside are siding with gold @ $1500+ and Silver @ ~$50...
and personally i'm not opting to voluntarily contribute anything
to purchase additional shares in any of my DRPs (dividend reinvestment plans)
at least not this calendar year...
i'm focused on having ready cash for the expected rebalancing in gold & silver prices... this ~June?
Otherwise.... alls well in the land of the looking-glass
edit on 23-4-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)