posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by twitchy
i've had this happen to me a few times......i've also posted a couple of threads,that seem to disappear after 10 mins...not in the new topics or new
fire hose topics but still in my ATS box ...almost like a mod has dumped the thread in the people can't see it..without actaully
deleteing the thread.
which makes one wonder if ATS is as impartial as they claim to be,and its mainly on the middle east threads were like yesterday,were i exposed that
MI6 and CIA were in the frontline of the battle for misrata in thing you know,my thread is lost.??? the irony was about that thread is a
super mod called the ADVISOR said i was wrong even though i posted proof. ??
so your not the only one who has noticed some oddities going on here.