I see two waves, analog waves that cancel each other out or are reflecting each other etc etc.
I follow one line all the way down and then all the way up to its end and then I follow the remaining line the same leaving two opposite analog wave
As below so above or vice versa generally implies the "star of david" yet, as this your symbol clearly demonstrates, that it is also a symbol of
relection, a mirror.
Also curious is that the figure can be folded/manipulated to make a star of david or perhaps a swastika etc etc.
The thought that "as in heaven so on earth" leads me along the following thought path:
1: the gods are my ancestors - not Diety in the modern sense - we are equal of soul spirit!
2. this same thought is at the root of many ancient belief systems. Some as benevolent ancestors and some as evil genetic manipulators yet
"Ancestors" none the less.
3. we are most definately experiencing existence within an Ancestor Simulation Pod!
Is this where I put the link to Ancestor simulation theory or are you guys better then that?
Everything about language depends on these things we refer to as "symbols" yet some of them are like pictures and thus worth 1000 words.
I believe these are the ones that many now refer to as "archetypes" such as the Swastika.
Powerful, yes!
The True meanings of these archetypes are many, are usually personal or at least vary by tribe/region, like a gemstone revealing all manner of light
depending on the eye of the beholder and perhaps even, their interpretations directly reflect the TRUE inner nature of the beholder or TRUE inner
nature of an entire tribe as it interprets archetypes to conform to their needs/wants.
This is perhaps where the concept of PROFANE and PROFANITY originate.
I can utter a sacred word or present a sacred symbol to an adept and they will smile at me and wish me well. I can utter the same word or display the
same symbol to a non adept and they may wish to kill me. Pretty simple really, Not all thoughts are for all minds at all times.
For perfect Example : Try this with a Swastika and a Hindu then the same Swastika and yer average American or better yet...... Jewish American!
Just one of many Very powerful archetypal symbols.
Also popping into my head at the last minute are the words: WARD and SIGIL
To give a wonderful truth only to see it degraded into some superstitious dogma is perhaps why most simply keep their insights to themselves or to
revelate to only a select few, to avoid profanity by the profane or worse still ,death at the hands of some paranoid squishy headed mob!