if the head of every man is Christ (a new creation where there is neither Jew/Greek, male/female, slave/free), who was called the last Adam (the name
given to the creation of male and female in the beginning) a quickening spirit, it seems fairly apparent and even states clearly the anti-Christ is a
liar and murderer though keep in mind anyone who hates his brother is stated to be a murderer as anyone who has looked at someone with lust has
commited adultery which to me is like saying no one can boast or have fallen short
here are relative scripts
Genesis 5
male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
1 Corinthians 15
So also it is written, The first man Adam became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
where there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondman, freeman; but Christ is all, and in all.
There can be neither Jew nor Greek, there can be neither bond nor free, there can be no male and female
John 2
Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, even he that denieth the Father and the Son
who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him were all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, things
visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him, and unto him; and he
is before all things, and in him all things consist.
1 John 3
Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
Matthew 5
but I say unto you, that every one that looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Galatians 4
Which things contain an allegory: for these women are two covenants; one from mount Sinai, bearing children unto bondage, which is Hagar.
Faithful is the saying, and worthy of all acceptation.
For to this end we labor and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of them that believe.
These things command and teach
Ecclesiastes 7
There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.
edit on 17-4-2011 by Rustami because: (no reason given)