reply to post by HmmmmmmDJK
> Quote, "Sorry, did I bait you into actually addressing the ISSUE?!
I know I am a new member, I must be a Koch bought individual or sumthin as they say at MM or HuffPo."
You wanted to make the issue about Obama. The issue is not about Obama unless he fails to appoint a member to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC) this June who make the deciding vote to reinstate "position
limits." If he fails to do so then he will be directly responsible for any further inflation which is caused by manipulative commodities trading. The
old tied lie that "the FED creates money out of nothing" has been debunked, so it doesn't work anymore. People are wising up to what really causes
inflation this year. Manipulative commodities trading. The other cause is OPEC production restriction, but they have been pumping oil to the point the
world market is a wash in oil. Yes, it is, and demand is down. More proof that commodities are being price manipulated.
> Quote, "Tell me, since the US is not allowed to drill anymore, could THAT have a component of the price of oil?"
Permits are being issued, about a dozen so far this year alone, if you are addressing offshore drilling. In the long term that should impact price,
but not when commodities are being manipulated such as Brent especially.
> Quote, "Could the FACT that the US has MORE oil reserves than ANY COUNTRY in the world yet the US is not allowed to use those resources have
We're 14th but it has nothing to do with prices. Prices are being
artificially set high because the commodity bidding is being cornered.
> Nahhhhhh! Must be those EVIL speculators that think because there is WAR in the ME it must because the rabbits are having a gay old time
What? That's so incoherent! WTF are you saying there? As far at the ME is concerned, speaking specifically to Libya for example, they only supply
the world market with 2% of its oil. OPEC as a whole has more than made up for that with production increases. Such unrest is being used as an excuse
to manipulate the New York Mercantile Exchange. It's being manipulated with vast amounts of capital that are being used to artificially bid up
futures namely oil. That practice needs to stop. It's causing inflation. The USG JD needs to investigate and back claw any profits being made from
it. That is if for example you have a pension fund that's invested in bidding up oil it should be back clawed regarding any gains made from
commodities price manipulations and checks made out to everyone who is paying more than what true price equilibrium should be right now for
everything. The bill would be in the trillions. That can be figured by simply looking at historic supply and demand equilibrium-s. based on it right
now Brent should be trading at less than $80 a barrel. All other prices can be then examined for affected over pricing based on energy price
manipulations. If you have a pension fund I would ask them not to invest in commodities speculation. That's for sure! Back claw judgments Back
claw judgments. Think about it. Class action based on inflation creation. That could happen.