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A new word in today's politics.

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:26 AM
Lets start with two words we have - Democracy and Economy.

- from Demos, the people.
- from Kratos, the rule.

That was how the word "democracy" came to be - basically it means that the people rule.

Now lets look at the word "Economy".

-from Oikos - the house.
- from Nomos - the managing.

I will now digress from etimology for a second...

These past days Portugal's government fell and is now under the jurisdiction of the International Monetary Fund. How did the government fall? No one really knows... There was no revolution, there were no riots, there was no vote... Libia got a lot of attention - the portuguese government fell for no reason in the meantime , no one cares though. It just fell. Openned the doors for us to be ruled by the IMF, though.

The New York Times pointed the finger at IMF's move describing it as a lie. In their words the IMF pressured a nation's elected government to fall even though in no way was Portugal in a position that they would need to hand over their rule to them. Still the pressure was made and our government fell - our President refuses to talk about it literally... (no really - literaly in the very true sense of the word) ... he tells people to check his facebook account for news. A President that only talks to those that have a facebook account... sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

For the first time a western nation fell from the pressure of market ratings into the very control of the very same institution that issued those market ratings.

I understand that it is easier to look at countries whose sovereignty is falling to armies. But that is outdated. Private corporations will rule you and they wont need any army - they will use your own army and your own rules and your own governments, they bought them a long time ago.

I am not a nationalist or an activist - I care for myself and those that depend on me and try my best to provide a good future for them. That is all I care for and all I want to accomplish. As for the flag? That cloth that waves in the wind (no matter where you are there's a cloth waving in the wind regardless of the colours in it)... it means nothing to me and means nothing to anyone's future.


Now past my rant and back to etimology...

Nomos... the management.
Kratos... the rule.

I name these times we're living in as Nomocracy - the managing of power. The people have no hand in it anymore.

The management rules.

Portugal is the oldest border in the world - for 8 centuries our border has stood firm. Ironic how we fell now.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:53 AM
My sympathies for what has befallen your country. Mine is well on the way.I am reminded of a science fiction novel I read a long time ago where the countries of the world were all ruled by corporations who spent all their time trying to take each other over by wars. I think this is what the future holds for us all. They will have free reign to stage all the wars they want when there is no government in the way. The people lost their power long ago. Here in america it started when they allowed the federal reserve to exist. The banksters are primarily responsible, but I think that there is more going on than just the banksters. I don't think that we will really know what until we see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
edit on 4/16/2011 by lonegurkha because: Lord please help me to learn to spell

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by InTrueFiction

I feel your pain here and like what you've come up with, but no new terms are needed - we've already got kleptocracy and oligarchy:

–noun, plural ‐cies. a government or state in which those in power exploit national resources and steal; rule by a thief or thieves. Origin: 1815–20; klepto- (combining form of Greek kléptēs thief) + -cracy

–noun, plural -chies. 1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few. 2. a state or organization so ruled. 3. the persons or class so ruling.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Praetorius
reply to post by InTrueFiction

I feel your pain here and like what you've come up with, but no new terms are needed - we've already got kleptocracy and oligarchy:

–noun, plural ‐cies. a government or state in which those in power exploit national resources and steal; rule by a thief or thieves. Origin: 1815–20; klepto- (combining form of Greek kléptēs thief) + -cracy

–noun, plural -chies. 1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few. 2. a state or organization so ruled. 3. the persons or class so ruling.

I don't think those terms apply though because in this case it isn't about a governments corruption - a foreign private institution pressured a government to fall and took over its judicial and economical powers. It is not in my idea any form of government that is described in the concepts you presented..

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:13 AM

While the Portuguese debt crisis is not nearly as acute as that which serves as a millstone to the economies of Greece and Ireland, it nonetheless serves as a glaring warning to other European Union countries, as well as the United States, that profligate government spending has its price.

My thoughts go out to the people taken advantage of by the Elite. Warfare has now gone digital!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by InTrueFiction

I look at it as a form of oligarchy and kleptocracy on a super-national scale, since the globalists who aren't limited to a certain nation have actually been pulling the strings for years and are closely tied into the IMF and other super-governmental organizations. These filter down to the national level, but the real global governance isn't bound to any one area - there's a world-wide agenda here.

Oh well, though....all hail the nomocracy!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Praetorius
reply to post by InTrueFiction

I look at it as a form of oligarchy and kleptocracy on a super-national scale, since the globalists who aren't limited to a certain nation have actually been pulling the strings for years and are closely tied into the IMF and other super-governmental organizations. These filter down to the national level, but the real global governance isn't bound to any one area - there's a world-wide agenda here.

Oh well, though....all hail the nomocracy!

I agree with you completely. We can discuss different names for what is now taking place but what really matters are the consequences of it.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by lonegurkha
I am reminded of a science fiction novel I read a long time ago where the countries of the world were all ruled by corporations who spent all their time trying to take each other over by wars.

The entire TEKKEN game series is built on this story.

We live there today. The basics of life are food, water and shelter.

The world's water is owned by 2 companies.

Land is owned by a couple of global banking corporations.

Food production is entirely corporate.

Everything beneath those three legs on the stool is driven off nation's fighting for their basic needs. You will do anything to stay alive before you think about luxuries.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by zroth

Very well said. As I am not much of a gamer anymore I had not heard of this series of games. I will investigate further,thanks. I wish I could remember the name of that book, but that was at least 30 years ago I read it and the memory dims with age.

They can only really own anything if we the people let them. They think that they own things, but without our belief that they own them or a governments cooperation they really own nothing.

Just as, if the fiat currency is no longer believed in by the people, the system that created it in the first place will collapse . It's all a confidence game and will end some day.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:42 AM
The article on NWT mentioned our 74 revolution so I feel a need to explain the Portuguese people a bit and how this new strategy brings me hope.

"Hope" is an eternal temptation after all.

In 74 there was a revolution in Portugal against a fascist regime. The difference was that in this revolution the country's army was not against the people, it was as it is and will always be the sons and daughters of the people protesting. They stuffed carnations in their guns' barrels and in their tanks' barrels and marched on the streets (sounds lame but it was the seventies
give them a break lol).

My hope is that just as back then when things get tough - tough to the point that everyone regardless of how distracted they are they can't but acknowledge it - again... Portugal will basically say "No." as one. As they did before. We don't riot, we don't burn cars or buildings. But we will say no in a very definite way, it will be like this - "No we wont do what you're telling us to do.".

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:44 AM
I heard something on the news about Portugal going to the EU for a bailout, but WTF happened
Are you saying there are no more politicians and the IMF is now running the county? Here in Australia we have had one prime minister kicked out under a very dark and shady scene, but for your whole system of government to be disbanded at the stroke of a pen sounds crazy. Where are the riots and blood? This stinks really bad.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by kwakakev
I heard something on the news about Portugal going to the EU for a bailout, but WTF happened
Are you saying there are no more politicians and the IMF is now running the county? Here in Australia we have had one prime minister kicked out under a very dark and shady scene, but for your whole system of government to be disbanded at the stroke of a pen sounds crazy. Where are the riots and blood? This stinks really bad.

For a closer approach to the Portuguese situation - Portugal has not requested a bailout ever. We have from the start been rejecting it. Europe was trying to convince our government that we needed it - in 2010 our economy grew. In 2011's first trimester our economy grew.

The only thing that has made it happen was the fact that our government was kicked out by outside influences (forget left and right). Regardless of the people's votes! - there were no calls for it, no referendums, no protests. THEY decided to overthrow a government - an elected government.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by InTrueFiction

I did read in the EU constitution that the EU body can do this. The constitution reads more like a corporation than a democracy - corporatocracy, where decisions are based on executive bonuses. National governments are at best a news poll with a lot of power in unelected officials that are out of the public spot light. I have not seen any news articles that mention that the government has been kicked out, do you have any links?

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:35 PM

. I have not seen any news articles that mention that the government has been kicked out, do you have any links?

I understand that Portugal is a small country and as such do not expect it to be big news internationally - my intention on this post was to focus on why it fell and who took over. But if you really don't believe that Portugal's government fell... just google - it fell back in March.

EDIT: Yes I must confess - I live in Portugal

edit on 16-4-2011 by InTrueFiction because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by InTrueFiction

I was just interested in more information about this event. It is painted in the media that the prime minister resigned as he got feed up with the blocks from the opposition. I am sure there is a lot more to it and good to get a view from someone who lives their. Hope it goes well for you.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by InTrueFiction

I was just interested in more information about this event. It is painted in the media that the prime minister resigned as he got feed up with the blocks from the opposition. I am sure there is a lot more to it and good to get a view from someone who lives their. Hope it goes well for you.

Just information - like him or not - I personally do not, but on this issue he really tried his best to reject what has just happened. He proposed an alternative to the IMF - every other party rejected it. The extreme right, the communists, the moderate right, the moderate left... every other party wanted the IMF - whether right or left, whether extreme right or extreme left
think about it.

EDIT: I in my life had never seen the communist party voting alongside with the extreme right.
edit on 16-4-2011 by InTrueFiction because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by lonegurkha

If you wish to see a cliffnote version of the future, especially in regard to corporate wars, view Jewison's masterpiece 'Rollerball'.

"I remember the corporate wars...they were NASTY, ew. Ah, well nobody talks about them anymore.... Chicago's still a food city...."

It is well underway. You are a criminal if you are off grid, or think about going that way. By virtue of butthole surfing our 'elected representatives', corporations have seized control of all aspects of government. We see the symptoms, finally, when we wind up walking nude, by choice, through chertoff's cash cow-turnstyle, or we see it when cops start reading our iphones. A new, radioactive ecosystem will provide the corporations and tptw with many more opportunities for abusive power tosses. Inside, I am screaming.

It is time for the sovereigns and the sovereign communities to cripple the authorities. Now we are fighting cancer, and look what the corporations are filing through our Legislative Branch. Mark Kirk is a traitor to America, an arch rat. See what this man stands for. He has not forgotten about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. He has declared WAR ON them. What was he THINKING? (sorry about caps)

edit on 16-4-2011 by starless and bible black because: (no reason given)

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