posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:04 AM
The first Id heard of this was 2 yrs ago. A friend of ours who is a life long resident of Southern Ca and her neighbors have a very large community
garden. Produce was being stolen nightly and they decided to video and see what critter was taking the stuff since all of their anti-animal thief
stuff hadnt helped. They discovered it was people stealing the produce... and not just homeless.... and taking the stuff before it was even ripe. The
one guy they caught was a documented worker but said he was sending all his money to his family in Mexico and had none left to pay or food. They put
up surveillance cameras and etc.. and put a table out in front of the new fence with canned food and etc with a sign saying "dont steal,we will
share." I guess hoping the folks would at least allow the veggies to ripen and not damage the garden.
Unfortunately they not only took the cans, but stole the vegetables and trampled the garden.
If anyone thinks a garden will be safe when this food issue gets worse, theyre delusional. If you spend good money on heirloom seeds and soil etc..
you best spend plenty on security of your garden as well and keep placement of it for security reasons in mind. Civilized folks will share with those
that need food or are hungry, but from what I see, most of the thieves arent concerned with being civilized or giving a damn about you or you trying
to feed your own family.