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Mubarak learned his lesson, now multilateral banks move in

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:23 AM
Remember Hosni Mubarak the former President of Egypt? So do I. But do you know why he is now the ‘former’ President of Egypt? Well you will now.

We can argue about the real reason behind the Egyptian Revolution, I personally believe it was instigated by the CIA and reinforced by food prices intentionally made so high by speculators so as to cause such serious instability. That topic however is for another thread what this one is about however are the reasons Hosni Mubarak is no longer President of Egypt.

The most compelling argument as to why the so-called ‘ally’ of him, President Obama, decided to turn against him so quickly. For what reason would you intentionally throw out a man who has been a loyal subject, who has made peace with Israel at the anger of his own people, and who has for decades been selling off his country to walk in line with the IMF and the WB? Let’s just say in the current world of politics, there are no friends.

Egypt Concedes to Resistance on Privatization Push - 6/28/2010

Back in the 1990s one of Egypt’s top economic priorities was the privatization of state-owned industries, as Egypt tried to free itself from a failing, centrally controlled economy.

But the government’s enthusiasm waned over the years, and last month the government quietly announced that the sale of state assets to individual investors had effectively ended.

Privatization began in earnest in 1991, when Egypt agreed to work with international lenders on an economic restructuring plan to help it repair a failing economy. This represented an effort to accelerate changes started in the 1970s by President Anwar el-Sadat, who began the process of dismantling the state-controlled economy fashioned by President Gamal Abdel Nasser in the 1950s and early ’60s.

Looks like Mr. Mubarak has learned what happens when you do not follow what the globalists dictate to you. He was their puppet for almost 30 years, but in less than 1 year they deposed him from power and all his former allies turned against him.

Let us move on then. Now that we know at least a good chunk of the reason why Mubarak was deposed, and are still searching for other clues, let us turn to the new future the globalists have in store for not only Egypt but Tunisia as well.

Multilateral banks join forces to aid Arab nations

A group of powerful multilateral financial institutions are joining forces to support Arab hopes for a better economic future, the US and French governments announced Thursday.
The World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the African Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank are among the institutions that have pledged to have an "action plan" outlined by the end of May, the two countries said in a joint statement in Washington.

That didn’t take long at all now did it?

So what about the Libyan rebels, how are they responding to the globalists? That’s right they already have over 2 weeks ago by erecting their own central bank.

Libyan Rebels form their own Central Bank

That really sounds like a group of unorganized anti-government rebels because as we all know the first thing you do when trying to overthrow your regime with the help of Western forces is establish a central bank. [/sarcasm]

If there are any Egyptians or Tunisians reading these please know that Mubarak was thrown out of power because he broke from the globalists. Now your nations are going to be taken over, completely, by these resource hungry thieves who lurk in the night. They are coming for you and with them will come the horrors which were experienced by Argentina and Ecuador, now Greece, Ireland, and Portugal.
edit on 4/16/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:28 AM
Spot on, IMO. I don't know what else to say. You hit upon it, I think.

Anyone truly following these events should have noticed a correlation.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:39 AM
I have always thought there has been some other force at work when i seen all these so called up-risings across the middle east big corporations from the west will go in a rape each country like iraq and Afghanistan remember when the U.S. Geologists Uncovered Staggering $1 Trillion Cache of Unmined minerals - nice find considering they are soppose to be in there fighting terroism

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:32 AM
Only 4 countries left: Sudan, Cuba, N. Korea and Iran... They already tried Cuba in 1961 with the so-called Bay of Pigs Invasion. But that didn't work out.... After they are done in Libya, they will move on to Sudan.... The last 3 countries will need a much larger firepower and will cause WWIII for sure.

Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, were also states with government owned banks... not anymore

Even a blind person can see whats going on now

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by exponencial
Only 4 countries left: Sudan, Cuba, N. Korea and Iran... They already tried Cuba in 1961 with the so-called Bay of Pigs Invasion. But that didn't work out.... After they are done in Libya, they will move on to Sudan.... The last 3 countries will need a much larger firepower and will cause WWIII for sure.

Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, were also states with government owned banks... not anymore

Even a blind person can see whats going on now


Yep,yep, brought to you by Mentos the freshmaker

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 06:28 AM
So true.

Islamic counties are the last places where banks are run
without charging interest to the public.

The Islamic banking model was safe during the GFC.

The western banks want their cut.

I don't know if the islamic people are going to be too happy when they find they suddenly have all those charges and interest to pay on their loans.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by CitizenNum287119327

This is a perfect reason for why I am opposed both politically and morally to usury of any sort, whether it is minor or excessive it should be labeled a crime for a bank or government to commit such an action.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Misoir


Good topic and thanks for the great OP.

Its sad to say...change has come to the Middle East...only in was done by Trojan Horse.
Those who have presented themselves as workers of "freedom" will eventually be exposed
as those who tricked to decieve and enslave.

I found a really good read on this, wanted to post it here for you all...

The Mubarak regime was the second largest recipient of U.S. financial and military aid in the world. One third of ALL publicly reported U.S. foreign aid goes to Egypt and Israel:

Without this vast military aid from the U.S., Mubarak would not have been able to maintain his 30 year reign. This is a cold hard fact. So then, why go against a leader you already have firmly in your grasp?

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