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God judges way too hard?

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posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 01:05 AM
okay, does God forgive us, no matter what? and he wants serial killers in heaven with him? they could repent, then turn evil again. think about Satan.

posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by katt06
okay, does God forgive us, no matter what? and he wants serial killers in heaven with him? they could repent, then turn evil again. think about Satan.

As I said, God knows what is in your heart. He knows if you are sincere in your apology. He understands the choices you made. A great sin to you, is a small matter to God for he knows what is in your heart. If you truly believe and ask, all your sins will be forgiven whether they are "great" or "small".

The inverse of this is also true.

God knows what is in your heart. He knows if you are not sincere in your apology. He understands the choices you made. A small sin to you, can be a great matter to God for he knows what is in your heart ...


posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 10:06 AM

When praying and asking for forgiveness, we must be sincere. Also, you must believe that God can forgive you. Jesus Christ died on the Cross so we could be forgiven of our iniquities. Asking for forgiveness is a continual thing for me, because I sin daily. However, once you give your heart to Christ, you have been washed away of your sins and you belong to God. Once this occurs, asking for forgiveness of your sins is still important, but you have been saved by the blood shed on the Cross.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 12:21 AM
while we are talkin about hell, how could a God create such a place in the first place? why would he want to send his creation down there?

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by katt06
while we are talkin about hell, how could a God create such a place in the first place? why would he want to send his creation down there?

The thing is we've been given a choice. There is a way to escape hell, through Jesus Christ. All the people who are in hell made the choice to go there by refusing to come to God through Christ. Hell was created for the devil and his angels.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 10:41 PM

Is sin, in the Bible defined as a crime against one's own self? Against God? Or a combination that separates one from God?

As David said when confronted with his sins concerning Bathsheba and her husband..."Against you Oh God have I sinned." The earth and everything in it (including the self) belongs to God, when we sin it is against God.

Sin is to fall short of the glory of God

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Don't even try to be can't do it. That's why Christ had to come, we all fall short, we cannot be like God...He came to live in us by His Spirit and any good we do is not us but His Spirit in us. It's that simple.

Everyone lies, especially to ourselves. Beginning with Eve (then Adam). She thought that if she were like God knowing good and evil that she would choose the good and reject the evil. But the goddess-wannabe found after choosing to believe the Serpent, that she had no covering...she was in sinning flesh and wanted to cover it up...hide herself and her actions from God. We still do this to this day, covering-ass, and making excuses and blaming others for our short-falleness.

Jesus' Sermon on the Mount tells of the ideal and perfect concept of the 'new man', His Spirit in us. If we desire this perfecting God grants it, His Spirit in us does that perfecting. It's a slow and painful process, but it is the only way to salvation (gk. soterion=being all that God intended us to be). Conforming to the world is easy, we just go along like sheep. Dying to flesh is tough we have to have our real selves revealed to us, only after the revelation can there be permanent change with Christ-nature replacing human-nature. But hey, it hurts so good!

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