posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:47 PM
My biggest most worst fear ever is a plane crashing into my house.
So with that being said, the other day I was tanning on my back porch and noticed a plane flying pretty low but not too low above my house, he was
making his typical sounds but all a sudden a huge pop like a backfiring car then complete silence still hovering above my home I jumped up and
almost fell into my pool.
He started to lose some height then I hear a slight hum and a big POP again and his engine kicked back in.
So later I asked a friend of mine who works at the Fort Myers airport down the street from me what was the cause of this, did he have some kind of
malfunction or what.
And an answer that made me oh some comfortable came out of his mouth "Oh they often take up student pilots and cut out there engine to teach them the
maneuvers"..really they have to do this over a highly populated residential neighborhood?! ..yeah it's unlikely anything bad will happen but will
cause me to have a heart attack if this is a common thing here.
Also when I use to live in New Jersey, I lived near Fort Dix and in my back yard were high tension wires they various aircraft often looked literally
to be inches above them.
It was even worse at night with the hoards of helicopters coming in and leaving in the middle of the night (after the events of 9/11)sometimes that
house shaking rumbling noise would last a good amount of time.
Not fun when you're dreaming about Aliens.
I would have tons of nightmares about the helicopters I still have them actually.
Anyway I feel your pain, and just hope that percentages are on your side when it comes to freak accidents.