reply to post by davidgrouchy
of course the more money that is sitting in the offshore accounts of the rich and famous (both individuals and corps), well, the more money is taken
out of the tax pool also....
and I still think that the reason why the pay for most americans have sat stagnant, or dropped even is because the bosses know, if they pay us more,
they have to pay more social security, but if they pay the person making over $250,000 or whatever or more, they don't get a tax increase....
and well, now the big corps are crying for a tax holiday, so they can bring all that cash home, to america, and help keep their businesses alive and
growing nice!!!
and then there's the matter of what the gov't is doing with the money that it is getting....
let's see, they started another war that by one quote, is costing us something like a million a day...the quotes seem to be all over the place, but I
picked a low estimate of how much it is costing...
the pentagon, unless the publicity has killed the idea, is paying over $500,000 for a stupid fairy-toad statue for the new, million dollar building,
but, well, they were telling us that the troops wouldn't get paid if they didn't hit a deal on the budget???? do some of us common folk need to go
to washinton and teach these people what a priority is??
at least this little aspect we may be able to do something about....
women CHOOSING not to have babies, well, there isn't much you can do about that, not if you want to keep the idea of america being the "land of the
free" alive. take away women's birth control and well today's american women just might be apt to say no thanks to the sex, and then you just may
find alot of grouchy men in you workforce!! if that happens, I guess we can go back to selling our 9 year old daughters off for marriage???