posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 03:02 PM
While Providence's North Burial Ground has opened up to an art exhibit, as we wrote about recently, Providence's Swan Point Cemetery is not a
friendly spot for visitors coming to see horror writer and Providence native H. P. Lovecraft's monument and perhaps photograph it.
“Matt sez, "One of my favorite writers, Caitlin R. Kiernan, was the subject of verbal abuse, profanity and homophobic remarks from some sort of
security guard when she and her companion went to visit H.P. Lovecraft's grave. The guard attempted to make them delete all of the photographs they
had taken, despite the absence of any policy forbidding it. Are cameras like catnip for abusive, power-mad rent-a-cops now?"
((Image: H.P. Lovecraft's grave: Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike photo: StrangeInterlude, Flickr).
taken from->
the watchmen are very protective of that one area where his memorial stone is and though great attempts of snooping i found out "what remains of his
remains" are in the private cemetary adjecent to swan point cemetary. weridly enough, that cemetary is noted as being the "the really rich" private
cemetary even so that most locals think its apart of swan point however its not. getting back to my point. lovecraft died in poverty and didnt get a
head stone on his orignal grave untill the 70's.