posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by dplum517
As if your poor photography wctually whows they are "unmarked"
What "marks" are you expecting to see??
You do realise that airline markings are not a requirement? You are perfectly legally allowed to fly with a pure white, or pure black or pure silver
a/c if you want.
Registration markings only have to be 1 foot high and the letters 2" wide - look up FAR 49 for the US regulations, other states are pretty much the
But of course airlines generally want people to know who they are so they paint their a/c in colours for everyone to see. But they normally do not
paint the registration marks any higher than they need to.
It is not too difficult at all to get a setup that can easily identify airline colours as high as 40,000 feet and probably beyond - this guy did it - so why dont' you instead of showing everyone how inadequate your equipment is for the purpose you say you use it
If you can see pinted nacelles and/or a spash of colour on the tail then you probably CAN go some way to identifying the airline - you leaping to
conclusions just shows how little effort you are prepared to go to to get accurate info - as soon as something fits your fantasy you loudly exclaim it
as the truth rather than keep investigating.