posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by bigyin
The thread is about the fact that Israel is mistreating sudanese illegal immigrants... not Arabs... that's for one, so I am not derailing the thread.
I leave that one up to the mods.
Second, I am sorry to hear that Scotland has problems. Hope you work through them. Oh, and I agree, problems shouldn't be solved by violence, as that
never helps. BUT, and that's the big but here, I don't remember Israel bombing it's Arab citizens (actually Hizbolla did that in 2006) is there
mis-treatment of Arabs? yes, I readily admit that, but that mistreatment might mean that they are looked at sideways and stuff like that... an Arab
can walk without fear in Tel-Aviv... or any other Israeli town... how many Israelis can do the same in any Arab city??
Actually, as far as law, Israeli Arabs enjoy the most freedoms that all Arabs in the region, just watch the news dude... I think they speak for
themselves... EVEN when the Israeli Arabs basically revolted against Israel in 2000 (after they were instigated to do so by Arafat and his cronies) 13
were killed and ONLY 13 were killed... and that was after 2 weeks of rioting and whole sections of the country being blocked because of them... so,
please, before you go an insult the country I live in, come visit, you are hereby invited by me to come see Israel. I'm sure that after a week here,
in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and other cities in Israel, you will come back to Scotland feeling different - also, I bet our weather is better