posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Greetings to everyone here at ATS!
I've been interested in topics that aren't considered "mainstream" for long time now. But I guess you could say I wasn't a hardcore researcher of
these topics, but took it on more as a casual pursuit. I've listened to Coast to Coast for quite a while and heard about ATS quite a bit.
It was series of events that has led me to actually sign up here on ATS. Just the other night on Coast to Coast they had Jesse Ventura on the show and
this reminded me of the show he does called, "Conspiracy Theory." So I went back and watched a few episodes online and was surprised at how
interested I was. I tried slowly bringing up a few of the topics I had researched to people around me and realized how much some of them didn't want
to hear it or would quickly blow it off as "crazy." I've always wanted to seek the truth and seeing how some people won't even entertain a
different viewpoint made me want to dig deeper. I'm of the mindset that all possible options or ideas should at the least be considered and not
simply tossed aside.
Well that is what has brought me to ATS. It somewhat feels as if my mind has been opened in the last few days and I now have a much stronger desire to
dig deeper into some of these topics and seek the truth. One of the most appealing things to me about ATS has been the model of decorum that they
require for their members. The last thing I wanted to do was to sign up on a website where people just blasted each other all the time for their
I look forward to digging deeper into the site and getting to know as many of you as I can!