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Bush to Choose Powell as VP?

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posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 01:37 PM
There's a lot of gossip out there concerning Rove wanting to dump Cheney from the ticket for "health reasons." He knows full well what a drag he is on the ticket and what replacing him could mean. Some say Bush values loyalty more than anything and he wouldn't do that.

Over the weekend I heard that Powell has been "sounded out" over it and was agreeable to the idea on one condition: the NEO CONS go! If Bush did that, I think he would beat Kerry handily. Powell still enjoys an enormous amount of support and he would, of course, be the first black VP in history (talk about a coup for a Republican). Powell would probably also go on to win the presidency after Bush. Hillary Clinton would never have a chance in hell.
Sorry - she's scarier than Cheney!

What do you think?

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Over the weekend I heard that Powell has been "sounded out" over it and was agreeable to the idea on one condition: the NEO CONS go!

Were this true it would be the only new information in this post. Where did you hear it?

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 01:43 PM
Its a thoguht, but the Neo-Cons weild alot of power still in the admin. The other is that Powell faught alot of internal battles over the last 4 years, and while his star may be bright in the real world, one has to wonder if the insiders will ever allow him to even be considered.

I agree Powell would be the SMART choice. Kerry would have been wise (who knows) to make a run after him. The other issue is the Powell may not want to be tainted if Bush were to loose or even. maybe setting up apolitical run of his own in 4 years. Even if Bush/Cheney wins, you will need 2 fresh canidates in 2008

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Where did you hear it?

It was an AP report.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 01:49 PM
Well one bad thing about Bush picking up Powell would be that many people would see thru the "Cheney's bad health" scam and see that he's just doing it to compete with Kerry picking up Edwards.

Personally I think if Bush picked up McCain the election would be in the bag. But picking up Powell would be a good move too.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 01:51 PM
The one thing Kerry's got going for him is that he is a true war hero. If Powell was on the ticket, that would fly straight out the window.

Kerry 1 war
Powell 2 wars

It's just CRAZY!

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:00 PM
I think that would be the best thing Bush could do, get rid of Cheney. I have never been a supporter for Bush, but the thought of Powell would definitely make me reconsider voting for him. I also think McClain is a good idea too, but I dont see that happening at all.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
Well one bad thing about Bush picking up Powell would be that many people would see thru the "Cheney's bad health" scam and see that he's just doing it to compete with Kerry picking up Edwards.

Lots or dirt about Cheney, but the health issue IMHO is not a scam. They did consult cardiologist at Stanford (were I work) as well just looking at him from time to time he does not look good. Having working in the PICU for 10+ years, you can look at someopne and get a decent handle if they are activly having problems with thier heart.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:22 PM
The health angle isn't a lie. His ticker's been an issue the whole time. And of course they'd use that. Regardless of how it looks, they'd never come out and say "Dick's a drag on the ticket."

McCain isn't gonna run with Bush 'cause he ain't gonna be anyone's second banana - speshly not Dubya's. He'd wind up blowing a headgasket and choking him. And that wouldn't be Vice Presidential!

I think Colin Powell would swing a lot of voters away from Kerry.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:26 PM
If it doesn't happen soon then it wont happen.
1. They have to give Republicans time to get used to him and rally behind him.
2. They have to invest some time into using it to court possible swing votes.
3. A change close to the election looks unstable- or worse, like they were trying to "sneak" powell in at the last minute.
4. On the outside chance that powell slaps them in the face, they'll need time to recover.

It's already unlikely though, because Powell is on the outs with Rumsfeld, and for Rumsfeld to resign or be fired would look like an admission of failure in Iraq.
Also, Bush has to realize that parts of the Republican base are open to John Edwards (Bush wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell if Edwards were leading the dem ticket). This means that if Bush shows too much weakness, he can lose southern states.

If I could rub a magic lamp and make 3 wishes to indirectly help Bush win the election, I'd replace Cheney with Powell, Rumsfled with a celebrity-general (Clark, Zinny, and Franks come to mind, in order of usefulness), and to seal the deal, i'd have a hijacked aircraft sky-write "Kerry for president" right before slamming into the pentagon (where it would just happen to kill Rumsfeld and nobody else).

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
McCain isn't gonna run with Bush 'cause he ain't gonna be anyone's second banana - speshly not Dubya's. He'd wind up blowing a headgasket and choking him. And that wouldn't be Vice Presidential!

McCain and Bush seldom see eye to eye. The campaigning that McCain is doing is out of party loyalty and perhaps he has made a deal for the parties unconditional support in 2008. Cheney is not well and may not last untill 2008 anyway

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:36 PM
According to what I read, Rove's internal polling data (or magic 8-ball) tells him Powell would be spot on. I truly think he'd be a winner for Bush. ALOT of people still love him despite his BS presentation at the UN. Remember, if Americans are good at anything, it's forgetting.

What fascinates me is that with the NeoCons sent back to their lairs in hell (where they belong), we might actually get the Bush presidency (Realism) that we voted for in 2000 instead of this f-ing nightmare that we've been stuck in.

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