posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Dinoman
Ok everybody on ATS. I just discovered all the proof you need to know something is wrong with the moons behaviour. The moons line of shadow should not
rotate through the night as it does now, and to a very large extent. You can see all the moons timelapse videos you want showing how the moon was
always compared to now. All the evidence you could wish for on:
Look forward to any replies...
Could you please point out which video you are talking about? There are over 150 Moon videos on that site, and it would be good if we all discuss the
same video.
It seems that not many, if any, of these (at least not the few dozen I looked at) shows the motion of the Moon through anymore than a few degrees of
movement through the sky. It's very hard to imagine what the rest of that motion would be like from these brief videos.
However. I found this one (below) in which I can
possibly interpolate what the rising and setting orientations of the Moon would look like. If
we imagine th Moon in the video rising, then the dark part probably rose first. If we mentally follow this Moon through to Moonset, we could imagine
that same dark part would be among the first parts to set. The only way this would happen is if the terminator appeared to tilt (from the observer's
vantage point) as the Moon arced across the sky -- such is in the clock hand analogy in one of my previous posts.
You can see
a little tilt in this brief video, but the fact that a telephoto lens was used makes the amount of "moon path" we see as a very
short portion of its movement through the night.
Also, part of your argument is that the Moon has just recently started doing this "tilting" as it moves through the sky, but how can you tell the
dates these were made? How do you know these videos were made prior to the time you say this strange behavior began?
edit on 4/15/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)