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Drinking Absinthe and the Green Fairy

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:30 PM
Has anyone here had the experience of drinking and alcoholic beverage called Absinthe which is rumored to induce the Green Fairy? Just curious about your experiences with the beverage. I've never drank it, and found it overseas w/the 100% thujone/wormwood levels. I've ordered a bottle and it should arrive next week. Tell me about it if you've tried it.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Oh Ho, you are in for a ride my friend.
Ive never tried it, but i know, depending on how much you drink, your gonna trip, while drunk

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:39 PM
I distilled me some from a kit you could buy online about 12 yrs ago. It tasted so bad I couldn't drink much of it..I drank enough to get a head ache you stated it is suppose to be powerful stuff though..The latest thing I tried was Ayahuasca.... It also was so bad I could only drink a sip or two...To do these things you will really have to be determined to drink enough to get the effect from them...I just couldn't do it....Good Luck with yours...

Seems it is baned here in the US. Both of these but you can make them quite easily....

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:48 PM
I have tried it before and lots of it. There is no hallucinogenic affect though. Like all alcohols, it will get you drunk and will leave one hell of a hangover. Also, it is not illegal in the U.S.; however, bars can not serve it and liquor stores can't sell it. The only way to obtain it is to order it from overseas, which is perfectly legal to do as a private citizen for personal consumption.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:18 PM
It took awhile to find the real thing and yes, I had to order overseas. I'm going to try mine by using the sugar cube on the silver spoon and drizzling ice water over it to get the milky effect.. forgot what it's called. Well, if I'm in for a ride it'll be well worth it. I don't have to worry about driving. I live in a remote area in the woods with hardly any neighbors. Perhaps it'll be a full moon when I finally get it. I'll post my experience next week after I get it.. that is... if I don't end up following the Green Fairy into the woods and enter the 'etherworld'.. lol.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by wytewingdove

well, it's super potent. one cup would do several people good. whenever i drank it, it just made me feel super drunk, but it had kind of a different feel to it if you catch my drift.. but i wouldn't say i was trippin, nothin like hallucinogins. it smelled like licorish but tasted so strong! i don't recommend it, it smells bad and tastes bad also. better drink dr. mcgillicuddies

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:20 PM
It's available here in Virginia...

I am no expert on the liquor .02

Our friends across the pond may have more information on this historic beverage..

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:27 PM
I've drunk a lot of absinthe and lots of different brands.
The setting fire to a sugar cube is a bit silly for my liking, really your supposed to drip mix it with ice cold water from an absinthe fountain like this

From my experience it does give some slightly odd visual effects if you get drunk on it, like your depth perception goes a bit off (you hand appears to be far away that kind of thing) and it is very strong in an alcoholic sense too obviously. But as for it being some kind of amazing hallucinatory type thing I think that may well have been based on some historical misunderstandings

Edit to add
A lot of what is nice about absinthe is the history and rituals involved, Always drink it with some friends and take you time, buy a nice absinthe spoon or some dripper glasses and make it into an evening.
edit on 12-4-2011 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by davespanners

yep .. that's what it looks like.. however, in the hills..

we use a good quality

with this..

add a cube or 2 of sugar..

and wrap an ice bag around this...

to.. pour over the sugar cube laid upon the (sterilized) metal fly swatter, into the mason jar full of the green stuff..

voila! Hillbilly Absentia

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Well if your going to get that fancy you might as well invest in one of these


An original reservoir or "bubble glass" you pour the absinthe in first and it drains through a tiny hole into the bottom bubble, then you put the ice in and it slowly mixes together.
They are as rare as hens teeth, the one in the picture (colored with added radium incidentally) sold for about $2000 recently

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:25 AM
Almost bought the drip fountain, but after seeing the hillbilly way I think that's more up my alley! LOL. Btw, I sometimes collect antiques and that last absinthe glass is absolutely stunning but way out of my price range. Since I've been a paranormal researcher for over 30 years I've told my friends I'm conducting a scientific paranormal investigation on the Green Fairy.. 'NOT'! LOL. It's so funny to hear the responses I'm getting on this off the site. My niece can't believe I'm doing this since I'm 52 yrs old and I told her I can't believe she knows what it is.. she must've beat me to it! Yes, I have friends coming in. Should be a beautiful night in the woods, good conversation and lotsa laughter. With the alcohol content I could see more than the green fairy. Perhaps a blurry bigfoot running thru the trees out back! Thanks for the input here and I hope I'm in for a very fun and pleasant evening. Now.... waiting patiently for it to arrive... anticipation!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by AOA2012
Oh Ho, you are in for a ride my friend.
Ive never tried it, but i know, depending on how much you drink, your gonna trip, while drunk

Lol, no you're not. Maybe if you had tried it you would know otherwise.

Seriously it's overrated, mainly because people think this is akin to some kind of drug taking. It's not.
Still, it can be nice. There is an absinthe bar in Brussels that I used to frequent, normally I would pop in for one or two after a few beers at Delerium across the way.
Personally I found the ones that were not anise flavoured more to my liking but everyone is different, they only had a selection of a few thousand to choose from.

My best tip is, moderation.
Seriously I can't stress enough how much the morning after will thank you if you just have one or two.

edit on 13-4-2011 by pazcat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by wytewingdove
Has anyone here had the experience of drinking and alcoholic beverage called Absinthe which is rumored to induce the Green Fairy? Just curious about your experiences with the beverage. I've never drank it, and found it overseas w/the 100% thujone/wormwood levels. I've ordered a bottle and it should arrive next week. Tell me about it if you've tried it.

one time i was drinking alone in the basement of my house..i was pretty wasted sitting on the bar then i hallucinated talking to a police officer and an angel with wings and everything right on the table..i was talking to them for hours! then my girlfriend went downstairs and said who are you talking to...i turned around and said hey we've got visitors..she said where?? i turned back around and no one was was crazy man!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Im not a drinker, but I tried real absinthe yrs ago before that stupid movie made it so popular. Lemme tell ya, in my opinion Id rather drink green Nyquil.. the taste is about the same. You drink it and do the "shiver dance"... was pretty disgusting and made me nauseous even with a few sips. Then again, it was the real thing and not the licorice flavored pseudo-absinthe. I didnt hallucinate, but more like a drunk from Sake. ( and Sake is nasty too!

There are some cheap reproduction absinthe peripherals on Ebay.. sugar spoons and glasses. Once in a while you can run across an antique, and pay inflated prices due to its popularity recently.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 08:39 AM
It finally arrived and I had a couple drinks last night. Nice effect. Didn't hallucinate or anything. Didn't see the Green Fairy, lol. But, a very nice relaxing evening. I did notice that colors were brighter, sounds were clearer. Euphoric experience. No hangover, but I believe in the moderation rule. The first few sips were hard to swallow as I was not used to the potency (I used the ice water/sugar cube). But, by the second small glass it was easier. All in all, it had a very nice effect.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Careful buddy, drink enough of that and you'll be wearing all black smoking clove ciggies in no time.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Also, it is not illegal in the U.S.; however, bars can not serve it and liquor stores can't sell it. The only way to obtain it is to order it from overseas, which is perfectly legal to do as a private citizen for personal consumption

I think this has changed recently. I was at a restaurant not too long ago that carried it. I even checked the spelling, etc. just to be sure they weren't trying to pull a fast one.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I think this has changed recently. I was at a restaurant not too long ago that carried it. I even checked the spelling, etc. just to be sure they weren't trying to pull a fast one.

Traditional absinthe has been illegal to sell in the U.S. since 1912, because it contains the chemical thujone. However, in 2007 some products labelled as "absinthe" were approved for sale in the United Stated. The situation is somewhat complex, but the short version is that the agency that now regulates alcohol in the U.S. (the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau) defines "thujone free" (an FDA requirement for any food made with Absinthe's defining herb wormwood) as meaning less than 10 parts-per-million (10 mg/L) thujone.

The "absinthe" that is sold in the US is thujone free. However, one can import it with thujone, so long as it is for private consumption.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Well if your going to get that fancy you might as well invest in one of these


An original reservoir or "bubble glass" you pour the absinthe in first and it drains through a tiny hole into the bottom bubble, then you put the ice in and it slowly mixes together.
They are as rare as hens teeth, the one in the picture (colored with added radium incidentally) sold for about $2000 recently

how did I miss this! I need to try and make one of these glasses ASAP! thanks for posting dave I had no idea about the true form in drinking Absinth.
edit on 11/30/2011 by -W1LL because: sp

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