posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:31 AM
Originally posted by Phaethor
Using the Clue "the importance of the first cannot be denied."
This was the part of the clue that led us to the Subversive Element.
We took the first letter of each title and it can out with Subversive Element.
Originally posted by Phaethor
Above Top Secret 3.1 � Moderators Only � Trash Bin � U.N. franco-fascist bankers planning sequel to 9/11
This means that the thread was is in the trash can. There are many of those. Also, if you type in a thread number that does not exist, you will get
that you do not have permission as well.
Here is my thought. We are only using the
"there are no more threads to find, but of each that you have found, the illusion is critical"
part of the clue right now.
"there are no more threads to find" I am taking by this part that we are not needing to look in the forum of the Subversive Element homepage.
But, it will be either a picture, link, or something on the site.
"of each that you have found, the illusion is critical"
The illusion could be the Optical Illusion on the Subversive Element homepage, or what we need to do is reexamine the titles, numbers of the posts
that we found. Try to find something out of the obvious. We know that it is talking about the war of terror, but could we get another meaning out of
it? Maybe this will lead us to something on the site that we are looking for.
Just a few random thoughts. Hope it can help a little