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Any ideas on a rifle for hunting.

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:41 AM
There aren't any rifles you can use for rabbit, turkey, AND deer.

There are caliber requirements for hunting deer. Too small of a bullet and it's considered inhumane. I wouldn't hunt a deer with anything short of a .270 winchester rifle.

Here's a standard .270 rifle. No bells and whistles, just a rifle/scope combo that'll get the job done within your price range(maybe a bit more with Brady and FFL transfer fee) Savage 116FXP3 Bolt 270 Win 22" Stainless Synthetic Stock-$585 You can also buy a decent shotgun for a roughly $350-500 and use longer range sabots.

For turkey hunting anything between a .22 and a 12 gauge shotgun with #6 - 7 birdshot is ideal.

For your .22 rifles. If you want something cheap but not absolute crap here you go:
Marlin 60 Semi-automatic 22LR 19" Blue Synthetic stock-$161


Charles Daly makes everything from AR15s to shotguns. And they are of good quality without too much green out of pocket. KBI C. KBI (Charles Daly) FG 12/28 MC3 Semi-auto-$350 I would use this shotgun with #4 shot for rabbits as well.

I usually hunt with my AR15, AK47, or my Remington tactical shotgun(with hunting loads). I do more coyote and rabbit hunting than anything else. AR/AK rifles are perfect for coyotes.
edit on 12-4-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by ckitch
Who said I was killing for pleasure? If you consider eating a pleasure well then yes I am. I will masterfully salt the meat then after, wash and dry. I will slow cook over hardwood coals, sprinkling a few wet cedar chip on the coals. I will then wait 12 min after reomving from the heat to let the juices even out.(this is very important) When I bit into it I will have so much pleasure I will be smiling with a little stream of blood running down the side of my lip from the juicy sweet meat

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:16 PM
I would go with a Ruger 10-22 to handle the rabbits and smal game. They are proven rifles with a strong after market following. They fire a .22l long rifle round. You can get a 25 round magazine for reduced reloading time while practicing.

For everything else up in to black bear territory I would go with a Marlin 336 chambered in the 30-30. It fires a 150 grain bullet with roughly 1,900 pounds of muzzle energy. At 200 yards it will do its job if you do yours.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:19 PM
Check out the Browning A-Bolt


or a Ruger M77

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:38 PM

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by jlafleur02

Don't mind the people who want to starve when the grocery store isn't supplied. We'll see how those twisted moralities work when their stomachs are rumbling.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by jlafleur02
One rifle thats come to mind in that price range would be the Thompson G2 Contender. It is a single shot,It features readily interchangeable 23" barrels from .17hmr to .45/70 Gov. I would start with the 30/30 barrel then later maybe pick up the .22LR for small game. I would not think of this as a self defense rifle, but for hunting it will get the job done..

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