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Lori Hacking

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posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 11:49 AM
I have been waiting for one thing for a couple of weeks and it hasn't happened. I figured whomever talked to Lori from the University in North Carolina would have come forward to say something about the conversation that took place. It may be that the police are already talking to them and have kept them quiet. It seems that conversation would say alot about how she would have reacted to Mark.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:49 PM
I wondered about that myself. I am sure that the police researched that.

I saw on where Mark is being quoted as they argued the night that Lori was killed. She went to bed and he stayed up playing video games?!?!? Then he continued packing (OK?) and that is when he "came across" the .22 rifle. Something just doesn't add up. Why would he continue packing when he obviously wasn't going to school in NC? I don't know about y'all, but if I had just had a major arguement with my husband I wouldn't stay up playing video games. He just doesn't seem to have any heart. It seems like the only person Mark cared about is himself and how he looked to his father. He didn't feel bad about lying to Lori and her confronting him about it?!?!? No, it seems he was too worried that his father (or family) would find out. So, what does he do???? Disposes of the problem. (ie: Lori)

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by SpamBurger
I have been waiting for one thing for a couple of weeks and it hasn't happened. I figured whomever talked to Lori from the University in North Carolina would have come forward to say something about the conversation that took place.

Heard about this today as a matter of fact. Lori confronted her husband that UNC had no record of his applying and that she had talked to a Ms. X. Mark said he would take care of it and that it was a misunderstanding. He later told Lori that he had talked to Ms. X and straightened out and that it was a computer error. Salt Lake police told the press that they contacted Ms. X and she had never spoken to Mark.

Premeditation anyone? Mark stalled Lori from telling his family but he knew she'd find out Monday when she would be able to check for herself.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 03:02 PM
Indeed, the probable cause statement can be viewed at KUTV Channel 2 News . It's a local news station here in Salt Lake City...full of good info.

Of course he'd continue packing because he had the intention to kill her so his family wouldn't find out about his deception....he had to keep up appearances
Though he's a sloppy murderer. He deserves a Darwin Award.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 10:07 PM
Has anybody had any prems on the outcome of his trial?

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 10:23 PM
Based on the information that has been coming out over the past week, I�m more convinced than ever that what I �saw� was probably descriptions of a dream I don�t remember (I fell asleep while trying to �remote view� Lori�s location) than anything factual.

While that doesn�t necessarily discourage me from continuing to explore �extrasensory perception�, it does provide some important feedback.

My challenge will be to save my creative impulses for other endeavors and focus on becoming more receptive and quiet of mind when I wish to see more than my eyes can reveal.

Also, while my intuition may be fine in the technical domain, I see plenty of reasons to be more skeptical of its use in areas I am less familiar with.

Here�s hoping that the families involved will see some sort of closure to this horrible case sooner instead of later.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by amber83
Has anybody had any prems on the outcome of his trial?

No premonitions here but I don't think there will be a trial. He'll cut a deal.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Unfortunatly I think you may be right...however his attorney doesn't seem as confident now about the insanity defense.

He shouldn't be able to cut a deal!

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 01:02 PM
How would it be possible for Mark to cut a deal? I would like to think that her family and the whole community would not sit back and let that happen. Our justice system is in serious trouble if they allow a man who killed his wife WHILE SHE LAY SLEEPING to "cut a deal". What a coward. I can only hope that while he is in jail, maybe some of his jailmates will take it upon themselves to teach him a hard lesson.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 01:15 PM
A first degree murder charge without aggravating circumstances in Utah is only punishable by 5 to life. The criminal complaint is open-ended in case her body is found and they can prove she was pregnant. If she was - they can ask for the death penalty.

Problem is neither her parents or his want a trial. I honestly believe they will pressure the DA to let him plead down to second degree.

Oh and while I'm thinking about it - I heard this morning that a University camera may have caught him putting her body in a dumpster. Anyone heard about this?

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 01:22 PM
this is all very complex

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 01:37 PM
Yeah try for the video news. He's nuttier than a fruitcake!

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 01:41 PM
I really didn't know what the law was in Utah. Thank you for explaining. I just find it hard to believe that any parent can accept the fact that their daughter was killed without even given a chance to defend herself. That is so wrong. Not to mention that ALL of the family and friends had been lied to for over five years. Mark's whole life while he was married to Lori was a complete fraud. Who knows what else there is that we (the public) don't even know about. I doubt that they will ever find her body. I don't think that he is telling the truth about any of it. He is just buying his time.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 01:49 PM
I just read the article on and cannot believe what his defense attorney is doing. He said that they are looking into a head injury that Mark sustained back in his early 20's from falling off a roof. OK...can we stoop any lower?!?!!?!?!?!!

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 02:27 PM
yes, how lame is that? he's grasping for straws now. UH OH...he confessed...I better come up with something quick!

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 03:54 PM
Let's start with the cutting-up or stabbing theories. They are gone. She was not cut.

Mark Hacking told his brothers he shot her in the head while she slept.

Even I was certain he had cut her up. I was wrong.

His brothers were brave to stand-up and tell the police what he told them. They are truly heroes for that move alone.

I only hope they do not do a TV movie regarding this. I'm sick of the networks making money off of glamorizing the murder of a beautiful woman by an ugly and cowardly man. Hey! Let's sell t-shirts that say "I sifted through garbage looking for Lori Hackings body!". Or maybe even a cherry red soda called 'Hacking UP (7-UP)' ".

I am often ashamed of society, and how network television glamorizes murdering an innocent person.


Mark Hacking knew what he was doing. Nuts? He only wants the world to think so. It makes it easier for him to sail his way through a psych ward as his sentence.

I love my brother dearly, but hell. If he told me he shot his wife in the head while she slept and then dumped her body in a garbage dumpster? I'd kill him on the spot.

Maybe that's just me. Hell, they can make a movie about that then!

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Bleys
Problem is neither her parents or his want a trial. I honestly believe they will pressure the DA to let him plead down to second degree.

Who here wants a trial??

I want the sumabitch to burn

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 01:10 AM
Ah yes...the times when the 'justice' system of the USA seems really lame.
But then again we smelled the "my client has mental issues" coming a mile away. But his attorney, in recent days, doesn't seem so confident. He said they're looking at going to trial...oh gee, YA THINK! One thing, though, even if he gets a change of venue, thanks to our friends the media, he won't get a "fair" trial. But then again, he didn't give Lori a fair chance for her life, either. I say he gets the death penalty...and dies the same way she did. An eye for an eye...Draconian law code!

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by storm_e
I can only hope that while he is in jail, maybe some of his jailmates will take it upon themselves to teach him a hard lesson.

Oh you won't have to worry about that. A close friend of mine is a prison guard and he thinks Mark Hacking's life in prison will be a continuous nightmare of constant worry for his own safety. He'll likely spend his entire sentence in solitary confinement, but just a mere second of exposure to the general population could be his last. His peers will never allow him to rest. And rightly so. Talk about Karma.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 09:51 AM
I just read on that there was a letter found by the police. It doesn't say who wrote it but it gives a brief description on the contents. I believe that it must have been written by Lori. It says that "things need to change".

Has anyone heard any more about the surveillance tapes?

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