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Lori Hacking

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posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 10:01 AM
This is my first post in this board, but when I saw the news reports about Lori Hacking being missing, I had a vision of her.

I predict she will be found dead in a shallow grave. She had some sort of cut on the left side of her neck (from her point of view), and was hit on the left side of her head (again, from her point of view).

I guess we will see how far off I am eventually ...

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 10:06 AM
If you can recall and post any other details, such as clothing, victim appearance, orientation, surroundings including vegetation and landmarks, etc. that could conceivably help, I recommend doing so if you are okay with the idea.

This site is widely monitored, and you never know, your visions may be able to help somehow.

If the mechanism you are using is remote viewing, you may be able to return and gather more information.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 10:19 AM
I can't remember any of that. These are just images that flashed into my head. I wasn't using any sort of method that I know of. If I thought I had information that would help finding where her body is, I would let the investigators know.

I suppose I could try to concentrate on it tonight to see if anything else happens.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 11:09 AM
Her husband (the wacko) killed her.

(faceteous) "no it was evil aliens who abducted her"

short of some kind of miraculous evidence turning up, they found a knife with her hair and blood in the apartment. Traces of her in the dumpster. The husband had to get medication the day they found out she was missing. He bought a mattress that day. Could it be he had to get a new mattress because the other one had blood on it. Didn't he lie about being a doctor or something?

How much solid circumstantial evidence does it take?

Just because Lori's parents can't believe that their son-in-law could do it , especially crying tears about it, is no indication that a rational objective observer would be quite sure it was the husband at this point.

You want to find the body? Ask the husband.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 11:12 AM
Wait .. a knife with blood on it was found?

This kind of supports the details of my vision.

(added in

I have no idea who or what killed her. It may have been the husband. I saw her in a shallow grave somewhere.

[edit on 26-7-2004 by radardog]

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 11:25 AM
The luminol tests showed blood all over their house. There is just far too much circumstantial evidence for it not to be the husband. He's already working on an insanity defense IMO.

Did your vision have anything about a dump or landfill? I heard they were focusing on that area.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by el_topo
The luminol tests showed blood all over their house. There is just far too much circumstantial evidence for it not to be the husband. He's already working on an insanity defense IMO.

Did your vision have anything about a dump or landfill? I heard they were focusing on that area.

I'm not sure. She was under something. I assumed dirt. I guess it could have possibly been trash too. But more than likely dirt.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:37 PM
Inspired by radardog, I did a little remote-viewing/channeling thing based on the photos of her on I haven't actually done this before in quite so specific a manner, but what follows is what I wrote down. It probably sounds like "Crossing Over With John Edwards" BS & I don't blame you for thinking so. I feel a little stupid for posting it. It also made me physically sick to concentrate on this. I think radardog is right on the money about the shallowness of the grave & marks on body.

I also had written a bunch of stuff about the murderer--but I think it is rather libelous because a person is considered innocent until proven I edited that part all out.

lying on her stomach, arm bent back in a weird way; a covering no deeper than a foot...dark what is covering her but the sky is so bright & blue in contrast. It's a dump. There is a sign sticking out of the earth. It is a large, quiet, still landmass, no buildings in immediate area. (Not part of the initial "viewing" but an extra note: I do feel that her body was dumped with the trash. I don't think it's buried in dirt).

The child was a boy and it is a very little spirit that she cherishes but is letting go to incarnate in another body. She has to stay here for a while and process what has just happened to her. She is very disappointed. But she had an inner life that was very fufilled & that she can look on as an achievement. She is very proud of the way her family was so organized & caring in the search.

She will be hanging around just a bit longer, to support her family but then she has to move on. A part of her will always be with her family, but she is very anxious to live out this dream of a life -- a future & wants to get right to it. She was never one to procrastinate.

-->the biggest things I felt from her was disappointment & a total lack of the need for revenge. Also, how organized her family was in trying to find her. And as far as the body, the things that struck me were: the shallowness of the grave, that it wasn't "buried" per se, & the possibility it is at a dump.

By the way if you look at her photos, you are really struck by what a nice, sincere, vivacious, intelligent person she was. It's really a tragedy. But I do think she is in a peaceful place now.

[edit on 26-7-2004 by Cassie Clay]

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 11:12 PM
The odd thing is, when I had the quick visions, I also could almost feel the wounds. That's why I could locate them so closely.

How did you do to remote-view/channel? I had this experience after viewing her photos on the news. Perhaps that is what triggered it.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 11:23 PM
Has anyone heard anything about her still being alive?

Personally, I feel that she has already passed on from this mortal life. I will see if I can come up with anything tonight as I sleep, because that is when I get most of my thoughts...

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 07:35 AM
I think the husban did it. He was a very very shady person, so they are telling us.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 09:19 AM
The nutcase hubby did it.
He knows where she is.
I'm sure he'll exchange that
info for a 'sentence' of
life in a mental hospital
instead of a prison.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 10:18 AM
I had a dream about horses and sand. I had multiple scenarios throughout the night with different characters, but the recurring theme was HORSES and SAND. I do not have knowledge of the landscape out there, but there surely is a lot of sand. And as you probably know, there is usually a base of sand in a landfill for those taking that road. If that is the case then I have no clue what the horse part was about.

Perhaps she is in a barn, or maybe a township or landfill has reference to something in the equine field. Keep us posted on the development...

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by petey_pongo23
I had a dream about horses and sand. I had multiple scenarios throughout the night with different characters, but the recurring theme was HORSES and SAND. I do not have knowledge of the landscape out there, but there surely is a lot of sand. And as you probably know, there is usually a base of sand in a landfill for those taking that road. If that is the case then I have no clue what the horse part was about.

Perhaps she is in a barn, or maybe a township or landfill has reference to something in the equine field. Keep us posted on the development...

She could be under trash, but I really think she is under some sort of dirt (maybe sand). I think they are looking for clues in the dump (that's just my guess).

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 11:54 AM
Perhaps they need to search by horse and rider to see where she is?

As in higher up looking downwards rather than on "foot" level?

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 12:17 PM
I'm interested in what Cassie saw about the murderer. Was it the husband? Its not necessarily libelous to put it on ATS, we won't tell. The reason why I ask is that I get a strange aura around the husband when I see them on TV and in pictures. The latest news is that he's gotten an attorney and additionally her co-workers state that she received a "disturbing phone call" before her appearance.

I'm getting a strong feeling that the husband may not have actually committed the crime, but I feel certain he knows more than he is telling.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 12:39 PM
I'm interested to hear what CC's thoughts were as well. Maybe if you phrase it, "In my opinion" or "to me" and "the close male person". Without specifically SAYING a name they can't get you for anything, especially if you phrase it as an opinion and not "fact"...

Did I make any sense whatsoever?

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 02:33 PM
I would just say that my impression of Lori was that she did not want revenge or the death penalty on her murderer. I felt that she had a tremendous sympathy for the person...mixed with a great deal of disappointment. This murder was not the result of an organized mind. This murder was on the level of people going crazy in Edgar Allen Poe stories. You know when you see a horror film and a person goes stark raving mad & kills somebody & then doesn't realize that they did it, yet there's blood all over the place? Like that. Also, I wouldn't compare this case to Laci Peterson. Lori seems to be at peace, to an extent; it's more of an overwhelming sense of disappointment than anything else. Laci, on the other hand, needs closure & justice. She was more connected to her baby, because the baby was almost born, and she is upset about the murder of the baby more than anything else; so she needs justice to be served. I would describe Laci as "angry," though it is an emotion that is just not like her. Lori already has closure. She assumes the justice system is going to work the way it's supposed to work; & it really doesn't matter anyhow. She feels sympathy for the murderer, but not enough that she's going to waste any more time about it; she feels that's God's job. After the body is found & the funeral is done, she's going to move on. Laci will not be at rest until justice is served, one way or another.
--->these are just "impressions"
I don't know if this would be considered remote viewing or channeling. I just get into the creative, open zone of mind I had when I was a kid, when stories just seemed to flow.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 02:51 PM
I have my own little insight into this, and its not phsycic really, just more an impression I got looking at lori's pictures. Lori was small but tough, and would fight for her life and her childs. She had some nicely manicured finger nails too. Her murderer has either a few scratch marks, or at the very least some cresent shaped cuts in his/her arms.The weathers been warm, but the purpatrator wont be wearing tee shirts.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:41 PM
I would hate to think it because I am a Mormon, but...

...when you said "The weathers been warm, but the purpatrator wont be wearing tee shirts" that brings to mind maybe missionaries, businessmen/women, or even perhaps others that usually wear long sleeves. I am not saying that the killer is Mormon or anything, but there is a possibility that there are within the Church. Which of course would mean that they weren't very Mormon, or very Christian for killing somebody like that.

That is only one possibility, especially since it is in Utah. Also, I am not sure about her personal life, but this person might be accoustemed to wearing a full suit to work. I understand that a long sleeve shirt would hide the scar, but what if the perp already had long sleeves on (whether as a daily activity or to frame someone else, which would make it a VERY elaborate scheme).

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