posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:37 PM
Inspired by radardog, I did a little remote-viewing/channeling thing based on the photos of her on I haven't actually done this
before in quite so specific a manner, but what follows is what I wrote down. It probably sounds like "Crossing Over With John Edwards" BS & I
don't blame you for thinking so. I feel a little stupid for posting it. It also made me physically sick to concentrate on this. I think radardog is
right on the money about the shallowness of the grave & marks on body.
I also had written a bunch of stuff about the murderer--but I think it is rather libelous because a person is considered innocent until proven I edited that part all out.
lying on her stomach, arm bent back in a weird way; a covering no deeper than a foot...dark what is covering her but the sky is so bright & blue in
contrast. It's a dump. There is a sign sticking out of the earth. It is a large, quiet, still landmass, no buildings in immediate area. (Not part
of the initial "viewing" but an extra note: I do feel that her body was dumped with the trash. I don't think it's buried in dirt).
The child was a boy and it is a very little spirit that she cherishes but is letting go to incarnate in another body. She has to stay here for a
while and process what has just happened to her. She is very disappointed. But she had an inner life that was very fufilled & that she can look on as
an achievement. She is very proud of the way her family was so organized & caring in the search.
She will be hanging around just a bit longer, to support her family but then she has to move on. A part of her will always be with her family, but
she is very anxious to live out this dream of a life -- a future & wants to get right to it. She was never one to procrastinate.
-->the biggest things I felt from her was disappointment & a total lack of the need for revenge. Also, how organized her family was in trying to find
her. And as far as the body, the things that struck me were: the shallowness of the grave, that it wasn't "buried" per se, & the possibility it is
at a dump.
By the way if you look at her photos, you are really struck by what a nice, sincere, vivacious, intelligent person she was. It's really a tragedy.
But I do think she is in a peaceful place now.
[edit on 26-7-2004 by Cassie Clay]