posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 08:39 PM
Wow! once again we have another wildfire in an area that is in a severe drought!
I don't know the world is starting to catch on fire but it seems like this time a year it always goes up in flames. But I'm worried about the fires
where I live. I live near the Arkansas river in northeast Oklahoma and we haven't had many large fires yet. but we have had about 8 house fires in
the past two weeks in the city I live in. 4 of those house fires were in the same neighborhood. 2 of those houses were right next to each other.
I'm just wondering why wildfires is on the news list before japan? Whats happening in Japan is more important than a *snipping* wildfire.
here is a picture of the fire in texas and below this pic is a pic of Japan. you choose which is more important.
Article HERE