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FBI destroyed thousands of UFO reports, 1949 memo reveals

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 07:35 PM
Wonder what was in those reports & memos? most likely eye witness reports but what else? Maybe some "proof" of some sort? I think this also provides a good insight as to how the gov deals with the UFO issue. Especialy the report of one crashing in New Mexico. That to me, is very very intriguing for sure. But, they tossed it in the trash.

The FBI was so overwhelmed with sightings of flying saucers in the 1940s that agents routinely destroyed reports because of lack of filing space, according to documents released by the organisation.

The policy is outlined in a memo sent on 16 August 1949 to J Edgar Hoover, the director of the bureau, along with documents on UFOs compiled by agents after statements from witnesses.

The note, sent by an unnamed FBI agent in San Antonio, Texas, states that the office destroyed UFO reports on the grounds that they arrived "in great numbers" and contained "nothing of FBI interest".

"It is pointed out that the filing of these would result in the rapid accumulation of very bulky files," the memo continues.

The documents are among a batch of papers related to UFO sightings that has been made available through The Vault, the FBI's online records database.

In one intriguing note, sent on 22 March 1950, special agent Guy Hottel, head of the FBI's Washington field office, wrote to Hoover with information on three "so-called flying saucers" that a witness claimed had crash-landed in New Mexico.
Blacklisted news
edit on 4/11/2011 by Humint1 because: Add text

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Humint1

I was just reading the same on Yahoo news.

This is what it really was about




Alien hysteria over shadows folks like

The tragedy of history

The "Roswell incident" was a product of the Cold War pure and simple. It involved brilliant engineers who fought it, and their contributions now being lost to mere foot notes in history because some folks want to see lil green mean from outer space in everything.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:43 AM
As discussed in some other threads, they left some pretty nutty reports in. So did they throw out nuttier ones or did they destroy ones that had some truth to them?

And what does that say about the ones they kept?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:51 AM
A couple of things...

1. These vault documents are NOT NEW.

2. Once again, nobody has bothered to actually refer to the original source material (the actual memo), but instead just link to a news report.

3. Although the website linked is, the site shows they stole it from the UK Guardian.
Nobody seems worried that therfore the story is fifth hand.

FBI had it in the files
Ian Sample reads it and
The Guardian publishes
Blacklistednews copies and pastes it
ATS member reads it and
you read the posting.

3. It continuously astounds me how ATS members are always saying they cant trust the media, but seem hell bent on basing their beliefs directly on news reports from that same media, like The Guardian.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by alfa1

That's what the Roswell incident was.

Nobody will come clean about it to this day because the disinformation conducted by the USG to cover it up is too embarrassing, and would still reveal how USG disinformation works.

HDPE Where would woman's fashion be without it...

It's this>

It's your plastic shopping bags you get at the checkout counter. It's what the people at Roswell were picking up off the desert floor.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by alfa1

While I agree with you the FBI Vault has been misrepresented (Being that the release of documents are from previous FOIA releases and not any sort of disclosure), this thread is about the memo that says documents were destroyed.

I searched through myself and couldn't find it. Unfortunately the Guardian didn't list the location of the document.

However, the FBI has a history of destroying files, as well does the MOD has a history of 'losing documents' (specifically, the Rendlesham ones)

If someone could source the original for this thread that would be great.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by alfa1

It amazes me at the number of nit pickers on this site who come into threads with the same nagging based rhetoric such as yours.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:09 AM
This particular notation can be found in either ufo1.pdf or ufo16.pdf as I have seen the mention of the destruction of files due to the amount they received.

I don't know which it is for certain, as both of these .pdfs are large and I can't recall which of the two it was exactly, but it is there.

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