posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 04:43 PM
People seem to forget one reason Americans have so many casualties is our style of fighting. Brits and Ozzies tend to be more surgical, more directed,
Americans fight like the bull and matador. We charge head on balls to the walls, damn the casulaties and deaths, and all that. We seldom try anything
more tactical......after all, we have the manpower and equipment to do it with. Web still have the soviet era mentality of fighting on wide open
spaces with an equally large enemy coming at us. We truly havent shaken the cold war, we still, deep down are fighting it.
Tho our head on strategy may not be much in the brains department, it takes real balls, and Ill give us that: we have balls in abundance. American
strategy? A ravine needs to be crossed, enemy on the other side, firing at us. We send in wave after wave of armed troops to fire back. bodies pile
up, eventaully filling the ravine with corpses, eventally, its full, and the tanks can run right over and cross to the other side, greasing the enemy,
who has spent his ammo on our slain commerades. Efficent? NO. Nice? HELL NO. Tragic? YES. But bold? ABSOLUTELY. The resolve to charge the beast
straight on and know more than likely youll be wormfood takes a certain kind of special resolve and collective mentality. So while we lack the super
human skill of our allies in being tactical and precise and limiting our casulaties to nothing, remeber, the 2,000 ozzie super troops would not be
able to take on the entire country and clean thier military machine out without a few hundred thousand dumb yanks with big tanks ramming everything
including each other in the mad drive to iraq, and the airforce indiscrimitely bombing the hell out of anything that moves to draw attention off the
small groups of super troops sneaking in, taking care of missiles, and the small, delicate, important stuff. Well take the casualties, dumb we may
be, but we are efficent breeders, we shall replace our lost.
Other than that, U guys have done a damn good job.